the two personality types of each sign

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Capricorn A: Hardworking, doesn’t know when to give themselves a break
Capricorn B: Tries to stay focused but gets distracted, wishes they were more organised

Aquarius A: Fashionable,spends too much of their money on clothes
Aquarius B: Prides themselves on having an eclectic style, doesn’t follow conventional trends

Pisces A: Always in a relationship or being romantically/sexually pursued, rarely takes time to be single
Pisces B: Always thinking about love but generally unsuccessful in finding a partner

Aries A: Independent, hates people interfering in their business, prides themselves on the quality of their work
Aries B: Impulsive, craves adventure and excitement, hates working on things they don’t enjoy

Taurus A: Knows they have excellent taste, loves when people follow their recommendations
Taurus B: Never has time to do the things that give them pleasure, wishes they could expand their horizons

Gemini A: Always surrounded by friends but never anyone they can share their deep secrets with
Gemini B: Has a few close friends that they wouldn’t trade for anything, but wishes they could meet some new people

Cancer A: Hates confrontation, but if people cross them they will ignore them for long time
Cancer B: When in arguments they know exactly what to say, always stands their ground

Leo A: Creative, wants to make a serious career out of their passion even though people doubt them
Leo B: Wishes they could express themselves more but worried people will judge them

Virgo A: Organised and hardworking but very shy, introverted
Virgo B: Quite outgoing but sometimes gets shy around new people and those they have history with

Libra A: Loves luxury things but can’t afford them, dreams of being rich
Libra B: Not concerned with wealth but will spend big on things they really want

Scorpio A: Very ambitious but is worried they won’t fulfil the big expectations they have for themselves
Scorpio B: Is lazy but knows they have potential they aren’t fulfilling

Sagittarius A: Open minded and concerned with getting justice and equality for everyone
Sagittarius B: Knows there are problems with society but doesn’t have the resources or time to address them

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