Boomerang drink

Boomerang drink box green with black and white lettering

Boomerang Drink (Video)

I recently requested a free product sample from Boomerang. The product is stated to help rehydrate you. The info states that it may help after a night of drinking. That being said this will not sober you up or prevent you from having a hangover. It also won’t cure a hangover. The box and bottle state you can take one […]

Boomerang Drink (Video) Continue reading

Boomerang drink box green with black and white lettering

Boomerang Drink: A unique drink experience

A few weeks ago I saw a sample for a product named Boomerang. From what i could tell from the brief product description was that it could help rehydrate you. Well me being me I had forgotten all about the sample until the box arrived in the mail back in late April (2020). So I opened the box to make

Boomerang Drink: A unique drink experience Continue reading

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