Portable AC unit

End of season care for Hisense 200 sq ft 115 Volt Portable Air Conditioner

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Most of you must be thinking what kind of end of season tips does a portable AC unit need? Well, you still have to make sure it’s clean before putting it away for the year. I thought I’d share this info.

As you all may or may not know I was sent a wonderful gift this year. Thanks to Try It Sampling. I am very thankful for this gift. This little AC unit fit my needs very well this summer.

I posted these two videos a few weeks apart.

Overall the unit is very compact and fit my room perfectly. I found that if i left it on for about a half-hour to an hour my room cooled greatly. I also liked that it had a nice long exhaust hose. along with being easily wheeled around.

Basic Care

The basic care of the unit was simple. You could remove the side filter and dust it when needed. Along with dusting the font of the unit It was also recommended that you checked the water collection tank at least once a week or sooner depending on how often you used the AC unit. See the second video for the view of the side filter and the back hatch.

access pour spout for excess water

End of season care

So the end of season care is the same as the basic care. To drain the excess water if any is collected. Vacuum or brush the filters. You can wash the side filter if you need too but make sure it is fully dry before replacing it. If you opted to use the foam strips that helped create a seal around the window kit and your window you can remove them. You can also dust any other accessories such as the exhaust hose and vent as well as the window kit.

One thing that I need to mention is that the owner’s manual states that you need to run the AC unit for 12 hours on the fan setting before storing it for a long period of time. The manual doesn’t state if it needs to be continuous if it can be run in short intervals that equal 12 hours.

I plan to store mine in the original box but if you don’t have that option you can always place some plastic over it or if you have room store it in a closet or out of the way area. Don’t forget to remove the batteries from the remote control too. The exhaust hose and window kit may fit in a larger size storage bin.you can secure the cord with the plastic cord wrap that’s attached to the AC unit.

Additional links

Here are some additional links if you need more information.

Manual PDF

Brand link

Product link (not-affiliated)

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