Derma-E skincare products with tote bag

Derma-E Vitamin C products 9/7/2021

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Derma-E was kind enough to send me a few products from their Vitamin C collection today.

I was sent the following:

vitamin C Instant Radiance Citrus Facial Peel

I tried a sample of this a while ago you can read more in my blog post below.

First Impressions: Derma-E Vitamin C Instant Radiance Citrus Facial Peel

Vitamin C Renewing Moisturizer

This product I tried before and i loved it. Here are my video posts sharing my user experience.

original video post
update video post.

Vitamin C Gentle Daily Cleansing Paste

I haven’t tried this product yet. I’ve been meaning too but i forget.

I was also sent a cute bag.

Thanks again to Derma-E for the wonderful products. You can visit the links for full info about the products and current pricing.

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