woman using exercise equipment while using earbuds.

Peloton is looking for Beta testers

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:41 pm

header image provided by Pexels

I had an email earlier today from Betabound. They have partnered with Peloton.

Peloton is an exercise equipment company from I’ve seen.

They are looking for testers. You will need to sign a NDA (non disclosure agreement). That being noted that means you can not share anything about the possible product testing on any social media platform.

You will need to create an account. As with any beta testing community or program I can’t say what items ae being offered or when they will be offered. All you can do is sign up and see if you qualify for future product testing.

I also can’t say if owning a Pelton product will aid in your qualification being taken into consideration as a tester.

You can sign up by visiting the link below. I’m not certain if this will be a limited enrollment possbility or it will be open for an extended period of time.


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