Social Media

Pal's Got news banner created in canva

we’ve created an IG Broadcast channel

I recently created an Instagram Broadcast channel for my Instagram creator account. Since my LWPblog account is considered a business account I can’t create a broadcast channel yet. Hopefully, they will create them for business in the future. The channel will share various topics and possible links for programs that may interest some of you. I will also be able […]

we’ve created an IG Broadcast channel Continue reading

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Life with Pal’s YouTube channel question

While I was visiting YouTube I found out that Life with Pal is eligible for memberships. This would allow us to offer exclusive content to subscribers for a small fee. I haven’t activated it yet but was looking it over. I can create my own subscription fee and have select options such as member-only live chats or group chats. These

Life with Pal’s YouTube channel question Continue reading

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Should you drink and post on social media?

Today I pose the question: Should you drink and post on social media? You may be thinking that’s a funny thing to ask but over the weekend I saw a very interesting post that caught my attention. I usually don’t follow petty drama on social media but over the weekend I saw a post from a friend that caught my

Should you drink and post on social media? Continue reading

comment bubbles colorful

Comments never cease to amaze me

On Monday I shared a post about a possible charity scam email. And it didn’t take long for the comments to start popping up on how to recover my lost money. I knew these were all spam comments because they all referenced the same or similar hashtag or directed me to an Instagram account. Oddly enough the comments weren’t posted

Comments never cease to amaze me Continue reading

social media, communication, network Photo by AzamKamolov. Image source Pixabay.

How much Misinformation is spread on Social media?

Misinformation can be seen in a few ways. Misleading content, or information that is skewed to a certain point of view. Or it could just be flat-out lying about the effectiveness or quality of a product. I’m not mentioning political content because that would be a whole other discussion. Health trends Please note I’m not bashing the brand or the

How much Misinformation is spread on Social media? Continue reading

instagram log illustration. image source pixabay dot com.

The like for a like trend is back

I had an interesting DM on Instagram over the weekend. I had someone request I like 10 of their posts because they liked 10 of mine. I was a bit confused and even dumbfounded by this request. I’m all for supporting others but… I’m all for supporting other content creators but when you show up in my DM’s asking for

The like for a like trend is back Continue reading

Instagram camera logo banner

Some of Pal’s favorite Instagram plugins

If you have a website you know social media posts are key. Finding a way to post them to your website may be a bit tricky depending on your budget and site type. If you run a WordPress site you can add a plugin to share your social posts. This may be great to have for those folks who visit

Some of Pal’s favorite Instagram plugins Continue reading

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Is the Temu craze over yet?

I’m all for helping people by using a link to get something but I think the Temu craze has hit its limit with most folks. I think we’ve all seen it before everyone jumps on the latest app and starts sending out referral links in hopes to gain new users. Some apps or sites give users extras such as points

Is the Temu craze over yet? Continue reading

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How to spot fake social media profiles

I thought I’d share a few tips on how to spot fake profiles or accounts on social media. There are so many fake profiles or scammer accounts out there that some do look legitimately real. But there are a few things you can check to see if the account or profile is real.

How to spot fake social media profiles Continue reading

blue and white star illustration Photo by Alexander Shatov. photo source unsplash dot com.

Messenger is being used by sex workers and scammers

It seems that Messenger is the latest platform to be used by scammers and sex workers. Granted this probably isn’t anything new. But it’s the first time someone I know was messaged by a possible sex worker or scammer. I don’t know for certain if the person who contacted my friend is a sex worker but the way the conversation

Messenger is being used by sex workers and scammers Continue reading

copyright, thief, stolen Photo by mohamed_hassan. image source

Is your content being stolen?

Over the past few days, I’ve seen a rise in social media profiles that are using other creators’ or platform users’ content. The profiles aren’t even giving the person credit they are just posting the picture as their own. Granted this isn’t anything new but with there is an uptick of this. I’ve seen this with two different accounts via

Is your content being stolen? Continue reading

pink and white square illustration Instagram icon photo from unplash.

Is there a Key to getting Reel views?

I don’t know about anyone else but the fact that Instagram has really started to push users to create reels is just silly. To me, the same thing is going on over on YouTube with their Shorts feature. I won’t even get started on Tiktok. I know a lot of people like to watch videos as a form of entertainment,

Is there a Key to getting Reel views? Continue reading

a blue background with a gray hand holding a number of pue check marks in it. image source Unsplash.

Is it worth paying for Verification?

Okay I know I’ve shared about paying for social media verification in the past. But this time it’s different. Before we were dealing with third-party companies that claimed if you paid them X amount of money you’d get the verification from all the top social media platforms. Now it’s the social media platforms that are encouraging this type of activity.

Is it worth paying for Verification? Continue reading

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Know your worth UGC may not be for everyone

The new trend or should I say a growing trend on social media is User Generated Content (UGC). Granted this isn’t anything new but some brands are using this to their advantage. Some are even posting user-created content to their social media platforms or even on their websites without consulting the creators or crediting them.

Know your worth UGC may not be for everyone Continue reading

man holding banknote Photo by Travis Essinger image source Unsplash. image is in black and white.

It’s 2023 but Sugar daddies are still making the rounds on social media

Social media always amuses me at one time or another. Recently I had a new comment on Instagram. That’s nothing new lately it’s been a few spam comments. I gave it a gander and what did I see? I see someone had commented on a post from 2019. The topic was Sugar Daddies. And guess what? The commenter claimed to

It’s 2023 but Sugar daddies are still making the rounds on social media Continue reading

instagram log illustration. image source pixabay dot com.

It’s a new year but IG DM’s remain the same

It’s 2023 and we are barely into our first week of the year. That being said Instagram direct messages never seem to disappoint. I had an interesting DM interaction recently that left me puzzled and suspicious. I had a feeling the chat would have progressed into a relationship scam before long. I’ll explain a bit more about that later.

It’s a new year but IG DM’s remain the same Continue reading

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Social media spam I’ve noticed lately

I’ve been using social media for years. It’s a way to keep in touch with loved ones or to keep up to date with things I like. I think most of us use social media. It doesn’t matter what platform you use there always seems to be some form of spam. I thought I’d share a few things I’ve come

Social media spam I’ve noticed lately Continue reading

life with Pal banner image. Life with Pal white text with two paws next ot it (black) and a cat image below it.

Life with Pal has its own Twitter feed

Since I’ve been trying to set up more of an online presence for Life with Pal outside of my personal feeds. I finally decided to create our own Twitter account. That way I can share blog-related content there. It will also help cut down on the cross-posting from other communities and things I share online. I will keep my personal

Life with Pal has its own Twitter feed Continue reading

Instagram illustration, Instagram icon with followers icon being held up on a sign drawn

Please don’t pay for Instagram shout outs

There is never a shortage of companies (i use that term loosely) that want to help you promote your business via Instagram. Most are simple repost accounts that share your photo and add a link to your profile. This is stated to give you “organic growth”. I had a person reach out to me recently to try to help promote

Please don’t pay for Instagram shout outs Continue reading

You Tube scam alert banner. YouTube Scam Alert white text on red background.

A possible new scam is hitting Youtube comments

Last week I was watching a video update from Creator Insiders (YouTube creator’s info channel). So I left a comment. Well, a few hours later I had a comment from someone suggesting I DM them on Telegraph. I don’t use the Telegraph app. For those of you who don’t know what Telegraph is it’s a messaging app. So basically it’s

A possible new scam is hitting Youtube comments Continue reading

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We have a new Instagram account

Since Life with Pal is a year old I thought I’d create a dedicated account for the blog. I will keep posting content to my general IG account which you are welcome to follow as well. You can always follow my general Instagram account as well.

We have a new Instagram account Continue reading

money on notebook and woman working with laptop

Content creators: Is asking for money from followers a bad idea?

This morning I happened to see an interesting post on Instagram. Someone thought that it was in poor taste for a blogger to ask followers for money. Now I don’t know the extent of the request nor do I feel it’s my place to judge that person. But that being said it got me thinking about the topic of money

Content creators: Is asking for money from followers a bad idea? Continue reading

Facebook dating scam banner. White facebook dating scam above Facebook F logo with a red heart next to it. All on a blue background.

The gift card Scam is now on Facebook dating

I was chatting with a friend recently and he asked me if I was aware that Facebook had a dating section. I told him yes I’d seen something about that a few years back. I’ve never used it. Well, he went on to tell me an interesting story. It looks like gift card scams are hitting Facebook dating.

The gift card Scam is now on Facebook dating Continue reading

Social media marketing or sharing illustration. Source Pixabay dot com.

Don’t forget to research Influencer Marketing Agencies

All information shared in this post is public record and was found via an online search. Red Flag emoji source Being contacted by influencer marketing agencies isn’t something new for me. But I had a recent DM for a new company I hadn’t heard of before. Being that the DM was from a third-party account. It got me thinking. When

Don’t forget to research Influencer Marketing Agencies Continue reading

Venmo scam banner. blue background, white V overlaid by a red SCAM text.

There’s a new Venmo scam

I recently saw a news report stating that there is a new Venmo scam making the rounds via social media. Currently, it seems to be targeting Instagram users. As we know social media users are not strangers to being targets for scams. The most common scams are that you’ve won a prize from a giveaway or brand.

There’s a new Venmo scam Continue reading

Ambassador requests banner. Ambassador requests banner. a orange and light purple background with a white instagram camera icon and the title Ambassador requests in black.

Beware of these Ambassador Requests

All links provided were found via a Google search. Sources are listed near the link. I’ve noticed a rise in brands/companies direct messaging me via social media mainly on Instagram. This isn’t anything new but some of these requests can seem odd. Most ambassador requests have been direct messaged to me via someone claiming to be a brand recruiter or

Beware of these Ambassador Requests Continue reading

Social media Verified banner. Black verified text with a blue badge with a white check mark in it. Surrounded by a Instagram, Facebook, and twitter logos.

Remember Social media Verification is free.

In the past, I’ve shared about social media marketing tactics and spam. Well, it seems there is a new way marketing sites are trying to get your money. You may be asking how? Well, I’ll tell you sites are charging to help you become verified on social media platforms. I will admit this isn’t a new practice but it seems

Remember Social media Verification is free. Continue reading

instagram icon with the text Instagram Stop Fake/fraud prfoiles next to it. on a pink and oragne background.

I created a petition

I don’t know about anyone else but lately, I’ve been reporting fake or fraudulent Instagram accounts a lot lately. This got me thinking. This is affecting everyone from content creators to big brands. No one wants to be scammed or worse yet have their account suspended. Many have even had content stolen to create a cloned profile. Some fake or

I created a petition Continue reading

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Third party requests vlog

intro image source by Pixabay intro: 0:00 Dm styles: 1:00 What to do: 4:31 Final thoughts: 5:57 I’ve been having a number of third party request via social media lately. What I mean by third party requests are random profiles or accounts that send me messages asking me to follow, like, or direct me to a business/brand/ or other professional.

Third party requests vlog Continue reading

Facebook scam header. header created using photoshop cs4.

FaceBook Scam pages are back again vlog

Note: the Facebook page I share in the video has been removed. thumbnail image source intro: 0:00 What to look for 0:43 More tips/Final thoughts: 2:00 I just thought I’d bring this topic back up again. I had a freebie page send me a friend request. This raised a red flag since I know most freebie or large brand

FaceBook Scam pages are back again vlog Continue reading

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Instagram: Think twice before holding a giveaway

header image provided by Pixabay So as we know many people or brands like to hold giveaways. Well this isn’t anything new yet there have been some interesting things happen on social media lately. Especially on Instagram. I know people host giveaways to try to gain follower or even just to share something with their core follower group. Again that’s

Instagram: Think twice before holding a giveaway Continue reading

Instagram illustration, Instagram icon with followers icon being held up on a sign drawn

It looks like i was right

Remember when I mentioned I was threatened with a lawsuit a few weeks ago? If you don’t you can read the post here. Well it looks like I was right all along. The website that harrassed to threaten me is now down. I’ve been monitoring their progress since this whole thing started. Now that the sites not available I’ll share

It looks like i was right Continue reading

Facebook scam header. header created using photoshop cs4.

Watch out for Facebook scam pages

As we all know scams are everywhere but lately it seems social media has seen an up tick in them. I’ve shared about this topic in the past and I have a feeling it will on going. I’ve come across a few fake accounts and know they are fakes. But when some people take it upon themselves to con others

Watch out for Facebook scam pages Continue reading

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Instagram: The bots and spam messages keep coming

header image provided by Pixabay Okay, I recently shared about third party follow requests. Well, guess what? They just keep on coming. I had three within a two-hour span today for a brand seeking brand ambassadors. Again you’d think the brand would reach out to people not have some blank or promoter account do it.

Instagram: The bots and spam messages keep coming Continue reading

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Instagram: What’s with all the third party follow requests?

header image provided by Pixabay I don’t know about anyone else but boy have i been having numerous spam DM’s lately via Instagram. Thankfully the sugar daddies have stopped for the time being. (I’ll probably jinx myself now watch.) Most are standard spam DM’s asking me to check out X profile to grow my Instagram following or sellers trying to

Instagram: What’s with all the third party follow requests? Continue reading

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I was threatened to be sued. Here’s what i learned

header image provided by Pixabay I shared a blog post two months back about a social media marketing company. Well said company was upset with me and my post. Last Friday I was sent a simple email demanding that my post be removed from my website. They also threatened to sue me if it wasn’t removed within 24 hours.

I was threatened to be sued. Here’s what i learned Continue reading

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How to ban or remove a user on Facebook (video)

header and thumbnail image source I thought I’d give you all a quick tutorial on how to remove or block a user on a Facebook page you manage. I’ve done this for my blog’s Facebook page because I was wondering if the profile may have been fake. This only works for Facebook pages you are an admin of. I’m

How to ban or remove a user on Facebook (video) Continue reading

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There’s a rise of fake accounts via Social media

header image provided by Pexels I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve been noticing a rise in fake accounts on social media. It doesn’t matter if its Instagram, or Facebook. Twitter may have some as well. But I’ve seen a big rise especially for Instagram. It doesn’t matter if they are sugar daddy profiles or fake profiles for brands

There’s a rise of fake accounts via Social media Continue reading

man opening his shirt. Shirt contains coins.

What’s with all the Sugar daddies all of a sudden

header image provided by Pixabay I don’t know about anyone else but lately I’ve noticed a rise in Sugar Daddies across social media. Mainly on Instagram. I always find the posts rather comical because some of the guys aren’t always attractive. I just had a follow a little while ago and the profile used a photo that looked like it

What’s with all the Sugar daddies all of a sudden Continue reading

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Love Dark Mode? Here’s how to activate it

header image provided by Pixabay If your like me and use your devices throughout the day you may want to try Dark Mode. Dark mode dims or darkens your app or desktop background. I thought I’d share a few ways you can activate it via social media. I’ve read a few post stating Dark Mode may help save battery life.

Love Dark Mode? Here’s how to activate it Continue reading

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Need to ban or remove a user on Facebook? Here’s how to do it.

header image provided by Pexels I thought I’d share how to ban or remove a user from a Facebook page. I don’t make a habit of it but it is useful info. I had a Facebook account follow my blog’s page and I wasn’t sure if it was a person or a bot. So I blocked them. Well little did

Need to ban or remove a user on Facebook? Here’s how to do it. Continue reading

Instagram camera logo banner

It’s starting to look like Instagram is now a dating site

header image provided by Pixabay So as you all know I’ve shared about random messengers in the past. Today was no different. I had some long winded good morning message pop up via Instagram Direct Message this morning. I ignored it but replied later just to see what the person wanted. well here are a few screenshots of how that

It’s starting to look like Instagram is now a dating site Continue reading

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A few ways to stop an unwanted conversation

header image provided by Pixabay This thought struck me recently. I’ve dealt with a number of random messengers over the last few years. Yes I know I shouldn’t talk to strangers even via social media but at times I just want to know what they want. I came up with a few tips that may stop a random conversation. Some

A few ways to stop an unwanted conversation Continue reading

eye in a pyramid symbol

I was invited to join the Illuminati via Instagram dm….I’m pretty sure it’s a scam

header image provided by Pixabay I found a very interesting direct message this morning. Like I’ve shared in the past I’m always getting some interesting messages. Today’s message is no different and i know it’s a scam. I had noticed the person had followed me yesterday afternoon. I checked out the profile and noticed that it had a what could

I was invited to join the Illuminati via Instagram dm….I’m pretty sure it’s a scam Continue reading

woman's face with soical media icons aorund her head

Why are so many profiles looking for love via social media?

header image provided by Pixabay Okay this isn’t a new topic but I’ve noticed a rise of profiles looking for love via social media platforms recently. Of course I’m the lucky one who gets the profile of someone claiming to be a pilot who’s middle aged but has photos of a guy who looks like he’s a 30 something. Yeah

Why are so many profiles looking for love via social media? Continue reading

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Watch out for these Instagram Marketing services (Video)

thumbnail image source by Pixabay many people are sent social media marketing emails daily. Most of these sites claim they will help you gain followers by targeting specific hashtags or niche groups. I’ve never used a service and from what I’ve seen some may be a scam or a waste of money. Some may even violate many social media platforms

Watch out for these Instagram Marketing services (Video) Continue reading

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Are you having the same followers refollow you?

header image provided by Pixabay In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I’ve had a few people request follow backs or the (dreaded) follow for a follow. Again i understand everyone hopes to boost their social media presence and appeal. Yet I’ve noticed something else as well. I’ve noticed a few repeat followers.

Are you having the same followers refollow you? Continue reading

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Social Media comments run the gambit

header image provided by Pixabay Okay I admit I like when people comment on my content. Who doesn’t right? It shows that someone sees what your doing and likes it. Well this may not always be the case. I think we’ve all come across the spammer who is asking for repeated follows or suggests the dreaded Follow for a Follow

Social Media comments run the gambit Continue reading

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Don’t fall for this Facebook Giveaways Scams Vlog

thumbnail and intro image source This isn’t a new scam nor is it something that will go away. But just to be clear you will not win a million dollars for sharing a post to 10 Facebook groups or with 10 Facebook friends. These are the most common scams happening right now. It’s similar to the ones I shared

Don’t fall for this Facebook Giveaways Scams Vlog Continue reading

Scam Alert: There’s a rise in money requests via social media

header image provided by Pixabay Having random direct messages via social media isn’t a new topic. I’ve shared my a few posts in the past about this. But this weekend I had a new twist on the money request direct messages. I can see espcially now during this time of COVID-19 that people would reach out to others trying to

Scam Alert: There’s a rise in money requests via social media Continue reading

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How to spot fake profiles or accounts 2 vlog

thumbnail image source Since I talked about Instagram last week I thought I’d cut the video up into two parts since I know I can be a bit long-winded. So today’s video will focus on Facebook. Facebook Now for Facebook, you can tell if profiles are fake because they may list a different page topic such as there may

How to spot fake profiles or accounts 2 vlog Continue reading

5 stars with hand sliding across screen

not all amazon sellers abide by the rules

header image provided by Pixabay Being a product reviewer I tend to have a lot of emails or occasional direct messages via social media. Most times I check out the requests and either reply if I see i need to or just spam them.. Being that it’s a mixed bag my day to day requests vary. I usually remind most

not all amazon sellers abide by the rules Continue reading

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How to spot fake profiles or accounts 1 vlog (video)

Image source by Pexels humbnail image source I thought I’d share my insight on how to spot fake accounts or profiles via social media. I’m going to be talking about Instagram and Facebook. There seems to be a rise in fake accounts or profiles lately. Today’s video will focus on Instagram. Instagram: some profiles will send random messages or

How to spot fake profiles or accounts 1 vlog (video) Continue reading

Instagram illustration, Instagram icon with followers icon being held up on a sign drawn

Instagram Marketing: Not everything is as it seems

header image provided by Pixabay I had an interesting email early this morning. I tend to have a lot of marketing advertisements that are sent to my blog email account. Most are just spam or sites offering services to purchase followers along with their own “organic growth” tips or tools. Today’s email wasn’t any different. But I thought I’d pass

Instagram Marketing: Not everything is as it seems Continue reading

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YouTube Phishing Vlog

thumbnail image source this post sort of goes hand and hand with last week’s vlog post. There seems to be a rise in YouTube phishing emails or possible hacking issues happening. I found out about his via The Creators Insiders video post on March 5th, 2020. You can see that video by visiting the link below. They explain some

YouTube Phishing Vlog Continue reading

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Oh Facebook, please stop suggesting dating sites

header image provided by Pexels Okay I admit I’m a Facebook user. I mainly use it to share my blog posts and other stuff. I also have a personal account that I use to keep up with family and friends. I also play games sometimes too. Well last year I noticed an odd rise in dating site posts. Be it

Oh Facebook, please stop suggesting dating sites Continue reading

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Social Media Groups vlog

intro image source I’ve noticed lately that it doesn’t matter what social platform you use there is always someone who has to find a reason to be right. It doesn’t matter, To be honest, I’ve noticed it more via Facebook groups. It seems like grown adults lose their minds when it comes to discussion groups. Feel free to share

Social Media Groups vlog Continue reading

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Possible Scam: Giveaway site invite

header image provided by Pexels I’ve had an interesting email the other day. It was an invite to join or set up a chat time with a rep from a site named Social Stance. Well, it seems they try to help people gain followers by having them join or apply to join a giveaway where a large influencer or notable

Possible Scam: Giveaway site invite Continue reading

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Watch out for Scam Facebook pages

header image provided by Pixabay I’ve been seeing a lot of spam and scam posts via Facebook groups lately. Well since I’m nosy i tend to look up the pages people share to see what they are about. I’ve noticed one page popping up a few times in a few Facebook groups. I like everyone else like giveaways but I

Watch out for Scam Facebook pages Continue reading

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Self-promotion comments vlog

thumbnail source pixabay I’ve noticed a rise in people leaving comments for either themselves or for a brand they are associated with. Some social media platforms have a spam feature that will allow you to block certain comments. YouTube is a good example of this. How do you handle these types of comments? Feel free to share your thoughts in

Self-promotion comments vlog Continue reading

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Buying engagement services isn’t the answer to Social Media growth

header image provided by Pixabay I think many of us who use social media tend to think our profile growth may be slow or maybe your not having any growth at all. Like with most social sites they are ever-changing. Maybe you have a small blog (like me) or you’re a business. Even if you’re a content creator you still

Buying engagement services isn’t the answer to Social Media growth Continue reading

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