a dog and a cat sitting on a lawn with fireworks behind them. Image created using AI Image FX.

Ways to keep your pets safe this 4th of July

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With the 4th of July being this week I thought I’d share a few tips on how to keep your pets calm during the fireworks.

Have a safe place for them

Many cats and dogs are frightened by fireworks. Some may run around trying to escape the noise while others want a hiding place.

My Ziggy is a good example of a cat who is terrified by fireworks. He tends to run around and try to hide.

Ziggy. Ziggy is a black and white cat.
Ziggy Jan 2023

All my cats don’t like fireworks so we find ways to keep them safe.

We leave the garage door open for them so they can go in and hide. We also offer them hiding spots in the house.

It can be something as simple as a box turned on its side with a blanket or towel in it.

If your cat has a tent or any other type of house or covered bed. You can place it in an area of the house that’s a bit quieter. You can even try to cuddle with them. I try to do this with my cats. Ziggy will come to bed with me and we’ll watch TV until the noise stops.

If you have a dog you may want to try a Thundershirt. They offer compression to ease their anxiety.

Offer quiet noise

If your cat or dog is anxious you can try watching or providing quiet noise. Maybe some soothing white noise or a TV show that won’t startle them even more.

Distract them

You can offer toys or even affection to your pets to try to keep them calm. Maybe an interactive enrichment toy as well. As long as you are close by and offer encouragement to them.

Anything that takes their mind off the scary noise is helpful.

Calming pheromones

I know these are the new rage Calming pheromones they have sprays and plugins. I personally haven’t tried them but if you’re in a pinch you can find them at various pet stores and online.

They have ones for dogs and cats.

Talk to your vet

I know it’s short notice but you can always contact your vet and see if they can suggest any calming products that can help your pet as well.

Make sure your pet’s info is up to date

If you have a dog or cat and they are microchipped make sure their contact info is up to day. you can check your microchip provider’s account.

Also, make sure your dogs have their tags on their collar or Some contact info on their collar. There are many dogs that run away due to the noise. If they have some contact info on them when found it’s helpful.

What to do if your pet is lost

If your pet is one that happens to get lost due to the festivities. You can make sure you have a current photo of them and any distinguishing coat patterns or marks. you can also list the location of where they were lost.

Always check your local animal shelter to if they allow listing a lost pet this is helpful because if your pet is found they can contact you.

Some helpful Apps to use if you’ve lost your pet.

If you have a ring device you can list your pet as lost via the Ring App.

Pawboost is another good site to check out and list your lost pet. Pawboost also has an app.

Nextdoor is also another way to list your lost pet.

I hope you and your pets have a safe and happy 4th of July.

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