USPS Informed delivery has some updates

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USPS Informed Delivery has an update you may be interested in.

If you aren’t aware of Informed Delivery, you can sign up for a free service from USPS. It allows you to be notified of what mail will be delivered for the day.

infomred delivry example.
informed delivery daily mail.

The update

Informed delivery now allows you to receive a text, email or both when a package is delivered.

You can activate this setting by visiting your account and clicking the settings cog in the upper right-hand corner.

The settings page opens, and you can see the new section that has a check box and a text box. There are also check boxes towards the bottom of the page that let you check off your notifications settings. You can include your email address and phone number too.

Informed delivery settings.
Informed delivery settings.

Once you set up your new settings you can check the final check box and save your options.

It may take a bit for your settings to be updated.

I was sent an email and a text letting me know that my package had been delivered.

The email has a few questions that ask if your mail was delivered on time, early or late.

informed delivery email delvery
delivery confirmed email.

How is this helpful?

This new package delivery notification allows you to know when your box or items are delivered. That way you can contact someone to pick it up for you.

I like it because if your mail carrier doesn’t ring your doorbell or if you live in an apartment this can be useful. You won’t have to leave your package outside for hours.

You can sign up for free by visiting USPS.

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