Youtube scam alert banner April 24, 2023. Created by V using Photoshop CS4. Red background with white text reading: YouTube Scam Alerrt.

There’s a new scam hitting youtube

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As we know scams via social media aren’t new. But there appears to be one that is hitting YouTube. This new scam makes it look like you are being contacted by Youtube.

Again these types of scams aren’t new but this one has many people fooled. I happened to learn about it over the weekend and figured I’d share it with all of you.

What’s the scam about?

It appears this scam was brought to YouTube’s attention earlier in April by a user. They posted a tweet asking for clarification and sharing the phishing attempt.

You can view the post below:

source Team YouTube profile

You can visit the post to view the original posters thread.

How the scam works

Unlike many phishing scams, this one is using legitimate email addresses. It also uses YouTube logos which can happen in phishing scams as well.

The scammers have gone as far as creating a YouTube Channel trying to portray the idea that they are part of Team YouTube or another YouTube entity.

The scammers then in turn send out a private email that looks official. The subject of the email may make it seem like you are being contacted for an important reason.

Many of these contain video links that the scammer directs you to click on. The video footage they may use is older YouTube CEO footage talking about monetization or other features.

Where’s the Phishing aspect

So once you view the video or open it you will be directed to view the description. In the description, the scammers will include a link to download a Google document. Once that is downloaded they may or could gain access to your YouTube account.

The best explanation I found was via Nick Nimmin’s YouTube channel. He shows examples of the email and what was included in it.

Things not to do

Remember if you are sent an email such as this one. Don’t click on any links. You can reach out to YouTube via social media and ask to verify if the email is legit.

If you are asked to download a Google Doc don’t do it.

All we can do is keep an eye out for these scams and share them with others.

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