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There’s a new collaboration scam email targeting Sephora

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 10:57 am

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Post updated 6/6/2024 to include a video post.

I had a new email scam land in my inbox yesterday. it was very reminiscent of the Fashion Nova email scam.

It was suggesting a collaboration and promising large payouts.

Beware of a Fashion Nova collab Email scam
Fashion Nova COLLAB Email Scam (video)

The sender

The email was sent from DEBORAH YEH SEPHORA

The email address is:

Did you see it’s a Gmail not at So you know that’s a fake or scam email.

The email

The email was pretty straightforward. As with many of these scam emails they try to flatter you by stating how they found your content wonderful then it moves on to state how they think I would be a great for their new program.

The kicker is that they state you will be sent a box (up to 30 items) to promote. Of course, you’ll be paid. The payment options offered are Bitcoin (any more red flags yet), Bank transfers as well as PayPal and Zelle.

The sender also boosts high rate earnings such as 20 thousand euros which would be around $22 thousand (USD according to the conversion rate today.)

The requests you share 4

Here’s the scary part

This scammer links to Sephora’s actual Instagram account and shopping links. So, if you are someone who didn’t take the time to read the email address you would think this was a real collaboration request.

I forwarded the email to Sephora

I forwarded the email to Sephora’s Customer Service email address. I had a reply yesterday afternoon stating it would be sent to their investigation team. It’s nice to know they will be taking this seriously.

How is this a scam?

Let’s be honest we know that big brands won’t send out emails from free email services such as Gmail, Yahoo, or other services.

Another dead giveaway is the offer of a promotional box of products for social posts and shoutouts. The other obvious sign it’s a scam is the option of payment via Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency. Also via bank transfer.

Pal’s Tips 🐾

  1. Does it have a branded email: Brand@brandname.(dot)com
  2. Is the offer too good to be true? : High payouts for little work
  3. How will you be paid: Payment options include bank transfers or Cryptocurrency

If the email has any of these consider it a scam offer.

When in doubt contact the brand

When you are sent emails such as this one you can always reach out to a brand via social media or email support. You can do what I did and forward the email to them for verification.

As exciting as these offers sound don’t fall for them.

Don’t forget to think before you reply

I know these emails are exciting and can be a step up in the content creator field but always think and do your research before replying to an email such as this one.

That way you can be certain you won’t end up being scammed in the end.

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