my life

V wearing a life with Pal shirt.

I was featured via the Rustoleum Creator Community

I’m excited to share that I was featured via the Rustoleum Creator community. A few weeks ago i shared about some free products I was sent from Creator’s Studio community. This was a thank-you gift for my participation in their member feature. If you’d like to check it out visit the link below. I believe the community is still […]

I was featured via the Rustoleum Creator Community Continue reading

gavel with strike plate. source

I was threatened to be sued. Here’s what i learned

header image provided by Pixabay I shared a blog post two months back about a social media marketing company. Well said company was upset with me and my post. Last Friday I was sent a simple email demanding that my post be removed from my website. They also threatened to sue me if it wasn’t removed within 24 hours.

I was threatened to be sued. Here’s what i learned Continue reading

heart shape on laptop keyboard key

I looked into online dating. Here’s what I found

header image provided by Pixabay So i looked into online dating today (5/11/2020). You might be asking why? It was sort of my homework for this week. My therapist suggested it. Boy, let me tell you I’m not missing much as it seems. You can read a bit more about my mental health here. You can also see the video

I looked into online dating. Here’s what I found Continue reading

5 stars with hand sliding across screen

Product Review Request: It’s full of surprises

Header image source Pixabay As many of you may have figured out by now I’m a product tester and reviewer. That being said its been an interesting journey. What makes it interesting is that I’m contacted by various sellers sometimes on a daily. I’ve had some rather unique requests in the past I thought Id share. Most were very basic

Product Review Request: It’s full of surprises Continue reading

makeup products eye shadow, eyelash curler, and various brushes. photo source pixabay

My Life: The Staying Power of Makeup

header image source pixabay So as many of you might know I went to see Nine Inch Nails back in December of 2018. You can read that post here if you’re interested. I used many of may favorite makeup brands and added a few new ones. I will admit had tested some of them out before. Others i was hoping

My Life: The Staying Power of Makeup Continue reading


I didn’t have Internet for 2 days. This is what I learned

Recently I had some internet service interruptions. This is nothing new it’s been a problem for as long as I’ve lived in my house. Being in an older neighborhood you come to accept these issues like it or not. The only con about having service issues is that we lose phone as well. Again, no big deal but still a

I didn’t have Internet for 2 days. This is what I learned Continue reading

garden ornaments

My Life: The perils of being short and busty.

Header image from Pixabay I don’t really think about being short and busty until i’m force to recall that I am. Most times I’m reminded of this when I go to concerts or am in a situation that requires me to make my way through a sea of people. That being said I shouldn’t complain because being five foot 3

My Life: The perils of being short and busty. Continue reading


Recurring Dreams: I think I’m losing my mind.

Header image source pexels We all dream. From erotic to silly to even downright confusing ones. I think we’ve all woken up at one point to be very baffled or maybe even disappointed. I’ve covered the topic of dreams before. This post basically outlines the topic for today. I think as I’ve gotten older my dreams have changed as most

Recurring Dreams: I think I’m losing my mind. Continue reading


It’s always an adventure seeing Nine Inch Nails

It always amazes me that people are surprised that I love Nine Inch Nails. When I saw that they announced US dates earlier this year I went to my go-to concert friend. She agreed to go with me. I’d never attended a NIN show that was GA standing only. My friend and I had been discussedΒ that earlier in the year

It’s always an adventure seeing Nine Inch Nails Continue reading

dream catcher

Dreams- Never a dull moment

This post was originally sharedΒ Jun 9, 2017. If anyone is wondering yes I’m still having many avid dreams and yes the dream family is still around. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. Photos provided by Pexels My brain and dreaming   I’ve always been an avid dreamer but over the years my dreams have become so

Dreams- Never a dull moment Continue reading

Yesterday I realized something….

Yesterday I realized something…. header image provided by Yesterday i realized something. I admitted to myself that I’m lonely. The thought had been nagging at me off an on over the past few months. Which is nothing new. I have bouts of feeling sad or unhappy. I think we all do but I’ve hit the age where I feel

Yesterday I realized something…. Continue reading

lone tree

Yesterday I realized something….

header image provided by Yesterday i realized something. I admitted to myself that I’m lonely. The thought had been nagging at me off an on over the past few months. Which is nothing new. I have bouts of feeling sad or unhappy. I think we all do but I’ve hit the age where I feel like everyone has their

Yesterday I realized something…. Continue reading

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