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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:01 pm
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Respecting brands isn’t a new topic. But you’d think it would be common sense. Many people reach out to brands for a variety of reasons. Be it customer support or to try to promote their brand. That being said I’ve noticed a lot of negativity towards brands lately. Maybe it’s just the post I’ve come across online.
A few things that bugged me
Heres an example of a video i shared earlier this year talking about the topic.
Granted as I mentioned it may have just been me being petty. But if a brand invites you to share content and participate in a direct message forum with other users. You’d think people would have the common sense not to try to promote a completely different brand. To me, that was blatantly disrespectful to the original brand.
Granted if you’ve ever seen someone have a virtual hissy fit you know what I mean. I’ve seen them over and over via many social platforms. Especially in Facebook freebie groups.
I’ve seen people cry and whine because they didn’t get his or that. I’ve also seen people post angry comments against brands as well. This may vary due to the issue but still, it makes me wonder why do something like that?
Either way that’s not always the best way to get a brands attention. If you have a complaint contact them directly don’t call them out. Okay, I am the last person to say this but I didn’t spam every social account my telecom company has griping about not having internet service.
I’ve even seen people go as far as complaining that brands won’t work with them. When I see posts like these I wonder if anyone would want to partner with someone who does this. In my opinion, if you can easily turn around and disrespect a brand like that you don’t deserve their time. Anyways no more grumbling.
Be respectful and they will too
You’re probably thinking what’s your point by now am I right? My point is once again its common sense. Approaching a brand with courtesy gives you a higher likelihood of your concern being handled correctly. If a brand opts to work with you or even help you with your issue that’s a plus. Most brands are willing to interact with their customers no matter what the issue may be. Like with most things if you reach out in a respectful and nonconfrontational way they will return the gesture.
At this point, I’ve been respectful to brands and very grateful to the ones who have taken time out to work with me or reshared my content. I think there is so much negativity happening online and off that we should take the time out to think before we opt to bash a brand.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.