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Let’s talk about Mental Health

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:57 pm

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So I have a confession to make. I started seeing a therapist late last year. I think we all have times where we may feel overwhelmed by events in our lives. Mine was just a build-up of things.

Don’t be me and try to ignore your issues. That only makes them worse in my experience anyway. I didn’t want to admit I wasn’t okay. I also didn’t know where to start in trying to fix myself (for a lack of a better term.)

That being shared let’s talk about mental health.

Your Friends get tired of being your therapist

Okay, I admit I’m that girl who will share my problems with my friend. I know that’s bad of me she doesn’t need to hear my issues she’s got a busy life of her own. She even joked with me once saying “Our therapy sessions have met there end.” I know we have those we confide in but at times they get tired as well. They can only suggest what might be a good option to overcome whatever issue is at hand.

Everyone is different

Mood changes may affect you too. I found myself crying when I was alone. It wasn’t full-on sobbing but it was a steady stream of tears that would just happen.

I knew I wasn’t okay when I just lost interest in many things I loved. I also just felt overwhelmed. It seemed like I was being gone deeper into a dark place. I tried to pull myself out but when I just couldn’t deal with the sadness anymore I knew I needed help.

But once again everyone is different and may have a variety of symptoms that I didn’t experience.

You’re not crazy

Mental health is a bit of a taboo subject. First off we don’t like to talk about it openly. Secondly when it’s spoken about it’s always discussing mental illness or mental disorders.

I’m not going to lie I was embarrassed to even think about seeing a therapist. I wasn’t sure what others would think. Yeah I know I shouldn’t worry about judgment but I’m Mexican and it’s a thing my family is good at.

That being said it’s okay to see a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist (this may vary by insurance and mental health needs). You will just have to find one that works well with you or who you feel comfortable with.

You may want to share how your feeling with your primary care doctor and see if they can give you any suggestions as well.

it’s okay to ask for help

One of the many things I’ve learned is that it’s okay to be vulnerable. I know that isn’t something we enjoy feeling. It can also be overwhelming for some of us. If you’re like me and try to put on a brave face it catches up with you after a while. There’s only so much you can try to fool yourself before even you can’t believe it anymore (that’s my experience anyway.)

In the end

In the end, this experience will help you deal (or use whichever word you see fit) with your issues at hand. Your mental health is important. Like I told my friend once “I don’t want to drag anyone down. I just want to be okay again.” That being said it’s a process and you will find a way through.

If you like this topic let me know. I wouldn’t mind sharing more about it.

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