Job scam email banner. white background with email @ envelope in black with red Job Scam text.

Have you had these Email Job offers?

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:56 am

All info shared was found via a Google search. You can visit the links provided to read more details about the topic shared in this post.

I tend to have my fair share of job offers via emails. Most are from job boards I sign up for. Others are the typical spam of work with us and we’ll pay you $$$ all you need is a computer.

Well, lately I’ve noticed a pattern from one brand and person. Sam Oke has been emailing me at least twice weekly. Sometimes it’s even more. I don’t know this person nor do I have any association with their brand/company. Yet they sure do want me to try their services.

The emails

Here are a few examples of emails I’ve been sent over the last few weeks from Mr. Oke and his various companies.

Vice President, Global Alliances Sale

Sam Oke <>Thu, Jul 1, 9:47 AM
to me

Hi Vanessa,

Ralph had a solid career history but following a mass of redundancies in his company, he found himself laid off from the job. He constantly questioned how to maintain equilibrium during this uncertain, tumultuous time.

I rewrote his resume, which highlighted his abilities and defined what he could bring to the table with his expertise.  Ralph was hired by Genesys as Vice President Global Alliances Sales in March 21.

Please check Ralph’s winning resume ( with full contact information):

The new position has added enormous value to his life because he now gets to enjoy quality time with family. The social status that comes with being in a senior role in a well-known company is an icing on the cake!I’ll make sure you stay ahead of your competitor job seekers. Only submit your current resume.
No questionnaire to fill. I will deliver the re-written documents in 1 day!
If you want a high salary job in 30 days, just click here to order your Resume. If you do not get a job in 30 days I will refund your money.Resume + cover letter + linkedin profile +  blog of your choice = $147

Let the magic begin!

 To your future career success,

Sam Oke

Recruiter, Click for Interviews and Founder,| Your Sure Way to Generate at least 3 face 2 face interviews in next 30 days!

O : 877-468-8119

Management opportunity <>Wed, Jul 7, 9:17 AM
to me

You have blocked

Hi Vanessa, 

One of our clients has an excellent opening and they would be pleased to have you join their dynamic team. Your experience seems to be outstanding and we think you are a great fit for this role.
We’d love for you to know more about this and many other such positions. Please subscribe to our email list to learn about opportunities like these and receive notifications for more interesting avenues.
Have a wonderful day,


Sam Oke

Founder, | Your Sure Way to Generate at least 3 face 2 face interviews in next 30 days!
O : 877-468-8119

Talent Acquisition Manager <>Mon, Jul 12, 8:29 AM (10 days ago)
to me


Emilie Carlino former Assistant Director SELECT MD Program Recruitment  having 15 + years of experience will reveal

“How to Unlock Emotional Intelligence to Reach Your Career Potential “on July 15, Thursday 4 PM EST.

You just need to play your role by reserving your free seat for the webinar


Sam Oke

Founder, | Your Sure Way to Generate at least 3 face 2 face interviews in next 30 days!
​O : 877-468-8119 

At this point, you all have an idea of the emails and what they are offering.

Here’s what I noticed

Right off the bat, I noticed that the brands changed after a few emails. When I was originally contacted the brand was listed under Symphony solutions. You can read some info on them over at the Better Business Bureau page.

I also noticed a pattern in the emails stating that they could help me find a job quickly along with re-write my resume for me. As you saw in the email examples they also included links to visit their site or schedule an appointment.

Many brand names but still the same guy

It appears that Sam Oke has a busy life. He’s part of Symphony solutions, which turned into Career growth one along with Linked career growth,,, and

So that raised a red flag for me. I obviously wasn’t going to use any of these services but I did think it was worth doing some looking into.

Services being offered

I found out via the website that they offer a variety of services such as resume writing, job coaching, and excel tutorials. From what I saw the general fee is $147. The rates go up from there.

For $147 they will write a resume for you, create a Linked in profile, a cover letter, and oddly enough a blog post for you.

I can see the resume re-write and the cover letter but you can create a LinkedIn profile for free. I’m still confused about the blog post though.

The site also offers other packages for a higher price point. I also noticed that when you click on the Let the magic begin button it sends you to a Paypal checkout page.

Stuff I found out

So while I was doing my online search I found out some interesting info. I saw the Symphony Solutions complaints at the BBB.

I also found a few listings via Yelp, and a few spam reporting websites.

Scam reporting site links.


Linkedcareer growth

I also found some info about Sam Oke via Crunchbase. I also learned that their Facebook page isn’t active anymore and Twitter hasn’t been updated since 2020. The photo of the person who claims to be Mr. Oke looks like it could have been from any office ID badge.

While doing another quick search I found this info via Scam Advisor. Career Superiors is not even operating as a domain.

Would I pay for this service?

Personally, I wouldn’t and from what I read most people who did were conned out of their $147 USD with no way to get a refund. Also, I saw posts of people stating that the resumes that were written had falsified info or were poorly written.

is it a scam?

From what I read during my search and just general info I’ve come across I would say it’s highly likely a scam. The reason I say this is because in under a month Sam Oke has sent me various emails from various companies. I also think it’s a scam because I’ve noticed some typos.

I don’t think any reputable company would spam an inbox as much as Sam Oke does. Granted they are all spam messaged but still, I won’t unsubscribe to an email I never signed up for.

I would suggest if you need to revamp your resume ask a friend to help you out. You can always create a LinkedIn profile for free. You can also create your own social posts.

As always do your research before accepting/purchasing or applying for any type of job offer.

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