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I looked into online dating vlog

thumbnail image source I recently looked into online dating. I found some very interesting info to say the least. I opted to read more about free or low-cost dating sites. To be honest I don’t think I’ll use them but I enjoyed reading all the info I found. You can read my blog post below to see what i […]

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heart shape on laptop keyboard key

I looked into online dating. Here’s what I found

header image provided by Pixabay So i looked into online dating today (5/11/2020). You might be asking why? It was sort of my homework for this week. My therapist suggested it. Boy, let me tell you I’m not missing much as it seems. You can read a bit more about my mental health here. You can also see the video

I looked into online dating. Here’s what I found Continue reading


Finding Love Vlog

Intro thumbnail source I thought I’d have a chat about finding love in 2020. I know many of us are hoping to find love this year. Many of us may opt to use dating apps or sites. I thought I’d share a few things I’ve come across lately thanks to friends who share their insight.

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heart shape on laptop keyboard key

Love in the Digital Age: Can you truly love someone in the virtual realm?

Header image source Pixabay This post can go hand in hand with yesterday’s post and this one too. I know I’ve been sharing my thoughts on relationships lately but as someone who’s single, all of these topics make me think. I get dating is not like it used to be. I also get that many people have found love via

Love in the Digital Age: Can you truly love someone in the virtual realm? Continue reading

Virtual Love interests: How exactly do you date online only?

header image source Pexels Earlier this month I talked about a chat that I had with a friend of mine. Well if you’d like to read this you can here. I happened to catch up with my friend at the start of this week. The last I heard she was still waiting for a reply back from her friend. He

Virtual Love interests: How exactly do you date online only? Continue reading

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Relationships: Is it really greener on the other side of the fence?

header image source Pexels I was debating about writing this post earlier today but I figured what the hell I might as well. You must be thinking okay and your point being? I had a chat with a friend recently that got me thinking about relationships again. This isn’t anything new but it does go hand in hand with prior

Relationships: Is it really greener on the other side of the fence? Continue reading

girl and boy figurine on a bench

Relationships: Falling out of love

header image source I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic lately. It’s nothing new. We all have known someone who has fallen out of love at one time or another. This doesn’t always have to be strictly defined in a romantic sense. That being said it can be a surprising process, to say the least.

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Friendship: The gift that keeps on giving

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay This morning I woke up thinking about friendship. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that it’s my best friends birthday. Happy Birthday Kristy. But then again may it’s just my crazy gemini brain. Who knows. Either way it’s still a good topic to talk about.

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a rind on a dish

Relationships: When is it time to let go?

Relationships have been on my mind lately. This is nothing new but after a recent chat with my friend it really got me to thinking. No matter what type of relationship your dealing with be it romantic, business or personal such as friendship. There are times that you realize your needs may not be met. Or you wonder if there

Relationships: When is it time to let go? Continue reading


Recurring Dreams: I think I’m losing my mind.

Header image source pexels We all dream. From erotic to silly to even downright confusing ones. I think we’ve all woken up at one point to be very baffled or maybe even disappointed. I’ve covered the topic of dreams before. This post basically outlines the topic for today. I think as I’ve gotten older my dreams have changed as most

Recurring Dreams: I think I’m losing my mind. Continue reading

dream catcher

Dreams- Never a dull moment

This post was originally sharedΒ Jun 9, 2017. If anyone is wondering yes I’m still having many avid dreams and yes the dream family is still around. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. Photos provided by Pexels My brain and dreaming   I’ve always been an avid dreamer but over the years my dreams have become so

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lone tree

Yesterday I realized something….

header image provided by Yesterday i realized something. I admitted to myself that I’m lonely. The thought had been nagging at me off an on over the past few months. Which is nothing new. I have bouts of feeling sad or unhappy. I think we all do but I’ve hit the age where I feel like everyone has their

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man looking at a cellphone

Social Media Romeo’s : The laughs keep coming

I know this has becomeΒ a running topic for me but in a way, I find it entertaining. Random messengers or Social Media Romeo’s as I like to call them are an interesting topic. I’ve also noticed that it has picked up more now that summer is upon us. I’ve seen an uptick in random messengers but again this is nothing

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Social Media : Are We Becoming More Isolated?

I find it interesting how social media has made us become anti-social. It seems like everywhere you turn people are too busy with their noses in a screen as opposed to interacting with others. I think we can all admit we have some form or addiction to our tech. I know I do. I have caught myself scrolling endlessly through

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Online Friends: An Interesting dynamic

The thought of online friends has been on my mind since I woke up this morning. This probably has to do with the fact that I had an interesting chat with one of them last night. The topic of online friends isn’t new. You can read a prior post here. Like with most friendships in our day to day lives

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Online Friends: The Good, The Bad, and The Trolls

We all have online friends. Some we enjoy talking to more than others. I’ve made online friends through a variety of ways. But then again I think we all have now thanks to our day-to-day online activities. We can have friends in other countries we may never meet. I enjoy making new friends and learning about them. We can all

Online Friends: The Good, The Bad, and The Trolls Continue reading

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Single for Valentine’s Day? It’s not the end of the world

Artwork created by me I don’t know about anyone else but it seems like as soon as February 1st hits your bombarded by ads for Valentine’s day. I find it funny how the ads dictate if you don’t buy your significant other jewelry, lingerie, electronics or a whole host of other items you don’t love them. I happened to be out over

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Social Media Romeo’s: You have to love their persistence.

photo provided by Pexels The topic of Social Media Romeo’s isn’t a new one for me. You can see my previous post here. You can use any name you like when referring to them but the chatter is always the same. It is a random message via any form of social media saying hello. From there, things take a turn.

Social Media Romeo’s: You have to love their persistence. Continue reading

An open letter to my friend

image created with picmonkey Last nightΒ  I had a chat with one of my friends via Skype. Well after a two-hour conversation I realized no matter what advice I gave they weren’t going to listen. I think we all have friends who have struggles be them professional, personal or even day to day ones. I will call myself out on

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Friend or Foe-Possible Befriending Scam

image created with MS Paint I don’t know about anyone else but lately, I’ve had a few people try to befriend me via social media. I have had my fair share of random friend Facebook. Some I accept others I don’t. Mind you I’m not opposed to making new friends I have made many online friends over the years. Β However,

Friend or Foe-Possible Befriending Scam Continue reading

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