What’s with all the flowers?

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:01 pm

header image source Pixabay

I don’t know about anyone else but have you noticed that a lot more product have flowers on them now. I know things floral are meant to be associated with femininity but even I have my limit.

Don’t get me wrong I love flowers as much as the next girl but I’ve been noticing them on product packaging and even products more and more. I didn’t really start to wonder why the floral explosion was happening until recently. I know things that are pink and very frilly or girly are again supposed to be feminine. I, on the other hand, don’t fit that category. I’m pretty low maintenance for me some of the floral decor is a bit much in my opinion.

Flowers flowers everywhere

Of course, I can talk about floral patterned clothing but that’s a bit of a given. I just find it amusing that floral decor is spreading across all products these days.

So I think we’ve all see some of the big brands that have floral designs on their packaging. I learned how to shave by using Daisy razors

I find the flower-shaped nipple coverups funny. I always figured they were a silly product. But I know people use them. If you happened to watch my Silicone Bandeau fail video you’ll know why I’ll pass on these flower-shaped nipple covers.

There are even flower-shaped cushions for your shoes.

A little more intimate

The products that get me are the intimate ones. Such as feminine care products or washes. Summer’s Eve is one that sticks out in my mind the most.

This cleansing wash is even named Sheer Floral. Now that’s what gets me am I supposed to be happy that if I use this product I’m going to be left smelling like a bouquet of flowers. The last time I checked no one’s going to be that up close and personal nor will I be sitting on anyone’s face. (Yeah I know I’m awful but I thought that was funny.)

gif from Tenor

The floral element is even in feminine care products.

What’s the point?

This is another one that gets me am I supposed to be happy that my feminine care products have flowers on the wrappers or even on the product itself? Are the flowers supposed to convey femininity even when you may not feel your best? Are they suppose to be a comfort? Who knows but it still makes me laugh.

Like with most trends florals come and go but this one seems to be pretty steady. All I can say once again is What’s with all the flowers?

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