image of grocery items with a receipt. image source pixabay dot com.

ways to save when grocery shopping

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:49 am

header image provided by Pixabay

Let’s face it lately with the way inflation is going things are getting more and more expensive. No matter what you do sometimes it seems like grocery bills are rising.

I thought I’d share a few tips and tricks to try to save when grocery shopping.

try to stick to a budget

I know this may be hard but it can help reduce unneeded spending. You can also make yourself a grocery list and stick to it.

shop around

Yes, I know gas is expensive but you can always shop around using your weekly store sales to see what would be the best buy at which store and try to do shopping in one trip. That’s what we do sometimes. Granted I know everyone is loyal to their grocery stores or selected brands so see what works for you.

Shop store brands

Okay, let’s be honest not all store brands live up to the hype of the name brand. But I will note that some store brands are pretty close. I’ve found a few items from Aldi that are comparable to national brands. I think their pickles are Vlassics.

You may have to test which store brands work for you but I’ve found some pretty good store brand panko bread crumbs that I like better than national brands.

Check out the discount area

Okay, I know most of you are like who wants to eat day-old bread? This isn’t always the case. Especially where I live in Southern California many stores have to have items out of the store by a set day. I’ve made out like a bandit.

Some stores have them tucked in out-of-the-way areas. They may be at the end of the produce section while other products may be near the meat department. (I’m speaking from experience where my local Kroger-affiliated store has theirs.) Some stores even have discounted goods too.

discount bread and pastries

For me, the discount bread and pastries are always great. They are usually 50 % off. The other day I went to the store I found 3 different types of bread for under $3 USD. I once found a 6 pack of bagels for 99 cents. If you have extra room in your freezer this may be a good idea.

There’s more besides bread


Some grocery stores also have areas where they have discount produce or other goods. I like the discount produce because you get a bag for 99 cents Not too long ago I found a bag of asparagus They were small but you can’t beat 99 cents. I’ve found other stuff too like mixed bags of produce such as apples or citrus. I even found a big bag of chilies. So it may just be that they are what’s left from a box or they may be very ripe. Other’s times it might be the last of that particular produce item.


Some stores have an area in the meat section where you can find low-cost or discounted cuts of meat or poultry. Most times there isn’t anything wrong with it. The product just needs to be out of the store by a set date. Other times it may be the end of that product.

We’ve found some great cuts at a discounted price. I once found a flat of pre-cut meat like for tacos for around $4 USD. If you have room in your freezer this may be a good place to checkout.

Other discounts

Some stores have a rolling cart or shelves for other discounted items. I recently went to another Kroger- affiliate grocery chain near me and saw they had discounted wine. They also had some small electronics such as a standing mixer that was $195 off. I even found a coffee maker that was going to be well under its $100 or more price.

Some stores even have table wear or storage containers. I once found a 6-piece set of Pyrex storage containers for $3.99.

join the store’s rewards program

I will say that if your grocery store has a rewards program you may want to join it. Sometimes they offer special deals or discounts. You may even save on gas. Many have discounts or digital coupons you can clip and use in-store. Or you may save on in-store pickup or delivery. Some stores even have an app you can use.

use coupons or cashback apps

Some stores have digital coupons you can use in-store or you can use discounts offered via coupon sites. You may also save or even earn money using a cash-back app.


Fetch allows you to take pictures of your store receipts and you get points. Some brands earn you more. Over the summer I bought Gatorade and earned over 1,000 points. Granted this may vary by brand but every receipt you scan lets you earn. You can cash in your points for gift cards.

Visit the link to join or learn more.

I hope this post helps you save a little money.

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