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Watch out for scams (vlog)

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:21 pm

image source by Pixabay

thumbnail image source pixabay intro: 0:00 Email scams: 0:48 Package delivery scams: 2:31 Marketing Scams:3:59 Other tips: 7:16

Scams are everywhere these days. I thought I’d point out a few red flags that may help you spot a scam. It doesn’t matter if it’s an email claiming to be PayPal or Amazon. You need to know what you can do to avoid being scammed. Even online marketing can be a scam as well. I would suggest you always contact the companies that contact you first. Be it an email from your bank claiming fraud or Amazon saying your package can’t be delivered. Always contact the companies directly. Never click on any links or send any account information. the blog post mentioned during package delivery scams…

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