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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:27 pm

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Regrann from @genuineastrology – @oracleofyoursoul – If you settle for less in any area of your life, you block the flow of higher energy that seeks you. When you cling to something or someone that you know is not resonating with your true energy, you prevent the opening that must happen in order to magnetise more and better to you. The ego likes to feel that it is safe surrounded by people, things and stuff to fill up the spaces. If everything is stuffed full in your life, with no space to breathe, then it’s unlikely that you will attune to what your heart really, deeply wants. It’s also unlikely that you will feel the touch of Spirit on your skin, the voice of the Soul in your ears, leading you towards true fulfillment and satisfaction. The ego is so terrified of empty spaces that it will persuade you to hold onto anything, even if it is downright damaging for you, rather than let go and feel the void. The fear of being without anything supersedes everything; somehow it is better and safer to keep living with less than what is truly right for us rather than step into the experience of being on our own for a while, or without a crazily busy schedule. The reason the ego does this is because it knows that Spirit uses spaces and ‘loss’ to transform us at the deepest core of our beings. Over and over again, the Universe will remove elements from our lives that are not serving us in order to bring us closer and closer to the truth of who we are. Essentially, if you find yourself going through a period during which you ‘lose everything,’ you can safely assume that you are being singled out by God for huge, radical and Soul-infused transformation. True and lasting spiritual strength comes from purification, on every level of Being. Spirit cannot work through you if your mind, heart, body and environment is cluttered and congested with things, people, distractions, addictions and dramas. You will not come to know what your energy really needs to evolve if you cannot be by yourself for just a day without distractions. You will not attract the highest intimate relationship if you constantly settle for average ones.

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