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This is no way for a company to request a collaboration

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:54 am

As a content creator I have a number of random collaboration requests. I’m all for collaboration effors or even other types of post sharing options. But I draw the line at companies that spam.

For this post I thougt I’d point out a few red flags to look out for when you are emailed by a company or brand skeeing a collaboration or other content sharing request.

🚩1. mulitple emails in a week

I found that if companies spam your inbox most times they aren’t worth working with. If you opt to decline their offer. But the company or brand still keeps emailing you that’s usually a sign that the emials are automated.

Some brands sent multiple emails from various email addresses they may even offer you different products to share or review or test. Some may even have various collaboration requests or offer a pre-created content share.

🚩 2. Unrelated email subject lines

Some of these companies may use nonsensical or unrelated email sbject lines. I had one company from oversease have odd subject lines such as Commerical offer or Joint effort.

I even had one email with eh subject line of Robert Smith.
I was like Robert Smith ??? The only Robert Smioth I could think of was the lead singer of The Cure.

🚩3. Flat out rudeness or demainding

I had beeing having a company with a .cz email address( I’ll get to that in the next flag)contact me lately. I of course just ignored the emails for a collaboraiton.

I guess this company didn’t take kindly to my ignoring their emails because today I had this email with the subject line of Just answer!

screenshot of an email requested a collaboration.

We find your YouTube channel very interesting and would like to use it to tout our software.
The Magix team wants to promote its product in your media space. Vegas is a family of professional multitrack recording, editing and editing software for video and audio streams from MAGIX that are very easy to use.
Are you interested in working with our company? We’re waiting to hear from you so we can make a contract with you!
We’re counting on you
Faithfully Yours

email text

You would think that the company would understand if I didn’t reply back to the email I wasn’t interested.

This company or a similar rep has contacted me miltiple tims over the last few days. The reson I didn’t reply to this email was because I wasn’t interested. I was a bit wary because it’s no directly from the brand itself its from another company I’ve neer heard of.

🚩4. Non-brand email addresses

I’ve shared about this in previous scam and spam email posts. The previous email i shared above was from the Czech Republic. It seems to be a search engine product. So basically it would be similar to a Gmail or Yahoo address here in the States.

So with that being shared you need to be aware of these types of tactics.

Most times if the email is from a non-site or brand email addresses always be a bit cautious.

I hope this post was helpful.

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