AI image, Email , Scam

There’s An Unclaimed property Email scam going around

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I recently was sent an unclaimed property email to my Life with Pal business email address. This isn’t anything new but the twist was that it claimed to be from Minnesota.

The Email

The email was sent from someone claiming to be apart of the Minnesota unclaimed property administration.

The sender

The email was sent from a Gmaila address (red flag righ there).

Pattie Cicciarelli

The email text

Here’s a copy of the email text.

Where’s the scam?

This is a multipart scam. First off I live in California and I have no ties to Minnesota. So how can I claim unclaimed property. In this case unclaimed money.

The second part is that this email used a valid URL to scam people into thinking it’s legit. The URl of is real and has been around for years. It allows you to search for unclaimed property from all over the US.

The scam also has the addition of a phishing scam as well because they request you submit various forms of ID to claim your property. I will admit that’s typical.

What I learned

I did some digging to learn a bit more about the email.

Of course I checked out Minnesota’s state website. It appears this scam isn’t new but they did list that any emails coming from valid state offices include the following :

A legitimate Minnesota state email will always have a domain like “” or “”. (sourced Google AI overview)

I also learned that this scam isn’t new but does change every so often. The info listed in the email is real.

As I mentioned the missing money URL is valid and has been around for over 20 years.

The second URL that is listed is also real but may be a bit shady. is run on a free webserver. It also has privacy set up in 2020 and was updated in 2024. All info is also masked . You can read the full WHOis.

Clickphish also gives you an image of the claim form.

The contact email is valid and looks like it was last updated on 1/13/25.

you can check for your own lost property

You can visit Missing Money and look for any lost money by your state. You can also check your local state website on how to claim lost property. You usually need your name and city and go from there.

You can securely claim any lost property or missing money via the state website by following links.

So don’t jump at the chance to collect lost property before you do your research.

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