The Signs summed up

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Aries: Usually deemed “immature” but they’re really just full of life and vigor. Fun to hang out with or to be around. 

Taurus: Complains a lot, and has a witty edge to them that can shock you sometimes. Not the best secret keeper though. 

Gemini: Either really sweet, or really mean. Likes to be around others whether they’re outgoing or shy. Interesting facial expressions. 

Cancer: Like Gemini, they’re either super nice, or super mean. Either way, they love their friends. Sometimes does little nice gestures for you. 

Leo: Generous to a fault, and overall very loving. Sometimes cocky and immature, but in the end they have a heart of gold. 

p: Virgo: Can be a bit cold sometimes. Really booksmart, but when it comes to common sense… Not so much. Most of the time really trustworthy, but if they’re angry they will hurt you. 

Libra: Tough on the outside, but actually a big softie. Pretty nice most of the time tbh. Always fair and sees things for how they are. 

Scorpio: They actually have a little bit of pride in them. Rarely shows it though. Understanding and compassionate. Doesn’t sugar-coat things. 

Sagittarius: Stands out from society in some way or another. Breaks all stereotypes and rules. Really nice to have as friends, they care a lot. 

Capricorn: Protective and tries to be stern (but they’re not trust me). Really sweet personality and will go to the end of the world for you. 

Aquarius: Really up down and all over the place. Unpredictable most of the time. They’re really quite independent, but don’t mind being a team player. 

Pisces: Actually quite outgoing. One of the sweetest of the signs, they will help you and care for you. They can be quite spacy at times. 

the gemini posting is pretty spot on. i am very facially expressive and I can’t help it.

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