instagram log illustration. image source pixabay dot com.

The like for a like trend is back

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Header image source Pixabay

I had an interesting DM on Instagram over the weekend. I had someone request I like 10 of their posts because they liked 10 of mine.

I was a bit confused and even dumbfounded by this request.

I’m all for supporting others but…

I’m all for supporting other content creators but when you show up in my DM’s asking for me to like your content I don’t even know you. Or better yet follow you how does that make sense?

This person didn’t even follow me, to begin with, they were some random reviewer who had about 5 thousand more followers than I did with under 1,000 IG posts. Yet they were the ones asking me to like only 10 of their images because they did me kindness.

At least follow a person’s profile before you request they like your content.

I’ve seen this trend before

Do you remember Follow for a Follow (F4F) or better yet follow loops where you had to follow all the people one person followed and it went from there?

This just became so tedious and worst of all you were following people or content that may not interest you just to help someone grow their audience.

Once some social platforms caught on to this trend they would shadow-ban users for a few hours to a few days.

How does this improve engagement?

I don’t understand how they came up with the magic number of 10. Does that trigger a larger user engagement on IG or some other algorithm status?

I’ve found that photos or reels of my cats get wider attention on IG than my general posts do. I don’t know if it’s the algorithm or other

I know engagement on all social platforms has tanked in recent years but I don’t think liking 10 posts is going to save engagement much.

would you engage with this idea?

If you had someone DM you asking for you to like 10 posts because they liked 10 of yours would you?

I think it might depend on the person. I just viewed the DM checked out the profile and deleted the message. I don’t have time for silly trends like this one. If they have a larger following than I do I doubt my liking 10 posts will make a difference.

Do you think this trend will take of or just be a fad?

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