Scam email alert banner. Red Scam Email Alert text overlaid on a blue envelop icon.

The Fashion Nova collab Email is making the rounds again

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:38 am

Well, we are a few months into 2023 and it seems the Fashion Nova Scam collaboration email is making the rounds again.

This isn’t a new scam but it is a cause for concern because people are thinking it is real and being scammed.

I’ve shared this email in the past. I’ve been sent a few of them over the last few months and the information or collaboration that is requested may vary. But the one thing that stays the same is that the email is always sent from a free Gmail account.

Beware of a Fashion Nova collab Email scam
Don’t reply back to the fake fashion Nova Collaboration emails

This being shared let’s get to the most recent emails.

The emails

These emails were sent to my blog (life with Pal) email address. They were sent within a few days of each other.

The Sender

Both emails were sent from an email address claiming to be from Fashion Nova.

Being that Fashion Nova is an established brand I doubt they have a need to use a free email service such as Gmail.

I’ll get more to that in a bit.

The emails

Both emails were the same and had the same generic opener. It started off trying to flatter the read hoping they are a fan of their products. Basically, it makes you feel like you are being selected to be sent the offer.

We @fashionnova are launching our newest clothing brand @fashionnova.
We noticed you have been a fan of our work,
So we are just launching our influencer campaign and really want you involved, you would get free monthly packages (10 items of your choice per month), your own exclusive discount code to share, shoutouts and reposts to our Instagram and website!
We will be sending you our free PR packages every month, this means you will get to show off our newest items completely free with no catch! in return just tag us with the clothing either wearing them or just showing off the package! You will also be getting 30% commission paid via bank transfer every time you post a shout-out of our newest brand, we will begin with a payment of $1000 and increase as you get more popular and we make more sales off you wearing them on your page.
We await a response from you as soon as possible!
Best Regards
Financial Management

Fashion Nova scam collab emil text

Here are the red flags to look out for

This email has a number of red flags.

  • The email is sent from a free email service (Gmail.) Most companies have branded dot com emails.
  • They want to pay you for showcasing a product haul or even the box. That should be suspicious right there. Also being paid for shoutouts doesn’t sound like something a legitimate brand would do.
  • They will pay you a 30% commission via Bank Transfer. That doesn’t sound right if you ask me.
  • Being paid $1000 to start. If the brand claims they will pay you a thousand dollars to start always think it’s too good to be true.
  • The brand uses the @ (at symbol) in their own emails when referring to themselves and the new product launch.

The biggest red flag for me is that the email is claiming to be sent from Fashion Nova’s Financial Manager. You would think if a brand like this is going to send out PR collaboration invitations they would be sent from their PR department.

The other thing I find odd is the way the email is written. There aren’t any grammar errors or misspellings but the way it seems to try to flatter the reader by saying how they are a fan of Fashion Nova.

The fact that the email eludes to making more money as you gain in popularity and promote their clothes is a bit shady too. That makes it sound like an affiliate marketing ploy, not a collaboration.

Fashion nova has confirmed these are scams

When I first was sent one of these collaboration emails I forward it to Fashion Nova’s media department and the person who replied back stated that the emails are fake.

Yes, Fashion Nova does have collaborations but you can sign up via their website. They don’t send out invites.

Fashion Nova also has a branded email address that ends in this includes their emails as well.

Don’t get scammed

Don’t get scammed. If you have an email like this one just mark it as spam and block the sender. These emails give creators false hope and may even cost you money.

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