Scotch Brite

Scotch Brite 50% sticker Large surface link roller

Scotch Brite 50% sticker large surface cleaning roller (video)

This Scotch Brite 50% sticker large surface cleaning roller was sent to me for testing purposes. This product is great for anyone who is a pet owner. It can clean a large surface in no time flat. Depending on the surface you may have to pass the area twice. But for me, it works great for cat hair. I used […]

Scotch Brite 50% sticker large surface cleaning roller (video) Continue reading

Scotch Brite 50% sticker Large surface link roller

Are you a Pet owner? The Scotch-Brite 50% STICKIER Large Surface Lint Roller my fit your needs

If your a pet owner like I am you’ve had a situation where you go to put something on and you have pet hair on it. It’s very common for us to carry our pets around (if they are small) or have your pet cuddle with you. That’s the case for me with Sophie. Well, recently I was selected to

Are you a Pet owner? The Scotch-Brite 50% STICKIER Large Surface Lint Roller my fit your needs Continue reading

3M scotch brite

New Scotch Brite item

I’ve been a member of 3M/Scotch Brite review programs for a few years now. (They aren’t accepting new members at this time) I had an email recently for a product request. Well it arrived today. This travel lint roller is a nidce size and easy to use. It offers 30 sheets per roller. From my research, you can find it

New Scotch Brite item Continue reading

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