phone scams

UPS Logo on a smartphone screen. image source from unplashdotcom

I had another UPS package delivery scam text

I had a new UPS package delivery scam text today. It arrived at 2 a.m. I of course didn’t see it until later. As we know UPS delivery scam texts aren’t anything new. This one was a bit longer than usual but it could have fooled someone if they didn’t read it fully.

I had another UPS package delivery scam text Continue reading

phone scam banner. phone scam alert banner. redish background with a black phone. Speech bubble with the text phone scam alert. text is in black and red.

It looks like bank and credit card phone scams are back

Earlier this week I had two suspected phone scam calls. One claimed to be from Bank of America and the other was from Discover. I would usually not think much of these but I’ve noticed a surge in Bank and Credit card companies alerting customers to scams. I’ve been having at least one to two emails a week.

It looks like bank and credit card phone scams are back Continue reading

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