
Visit or the link below for more info. Regrann from @topclassactions – Hey!β € ___β € #Toyota #Motor #Credit Corp. will #pay nearly $22 #million to #settle allegations that its #pricing policies caused #minority groups to pay higher #interest #rates.β € ___β € If you are #AfricanAmerican, #Black, #Asian, Native #Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander and you obtained an auto #loan to purchase […]

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Visit for more information @Regranned from @topclassactions – #California #Chase #Bank #customers! ___ If you had a #home purchase or #refinance #mortgage #loan owned and/or serviced by #JPMorgan #Chase Bank, and Chase collected or attempted to #collect #unpaid balances on the loan after the lien on the #property was voluntarily released, you may be entitled to #money from a

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