
Visit topclassactions.com for more information. Regrann from @topclassactions – If you purchased Hansen’s Natural Juices, Hansen’s Smoothie Nectars, Hubert’s Lemonade, or Hubert’s Half & Half Lemonade between 2010 and 2015, you may be eligible to claim up to $15 from a #classaction #settlement. β € Find out how here: https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/852320-hansens-huberts-natural-beverage-class-action-settlement/ β € _____β € #soda #beverage #thirsty #Hansens #lemonade #juice #healthy #drinkup

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@Regrann from @molecule_mixologist_alex_m – The Pink Elephant (As seen on hedgecombers.com) Ingredients Per Glass 1 shot of vodka A squeeze of lime to taste Fentimans Rose Lemonade 1 slice of lime Instructions In a fancy cocktail glass add the shot of vodka and the lime juice. Top up with the pink lemonade and serve with a slice of lime. Dive

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