feral cats

Dylan is a black and white kitten. He was hiding near a bench.

Feral kittens and cats are a breed all their own

I’ve owned my fair share of feral cats over the years. Currently, to date all the cats we have are ferals. We either found them (such as in Sophie’s case). Or they have been born in my backyard. For the exception of Dylan, Teddy, and Sam they were found by my neighbor next door.

Feral kittens and cats are a breed all their own Continue reading

TJ July 2022. Older stray Siamese.

The care and feeding of Ferals Fall & Winter Edition

Now that the weather is cooling down I thought I’d share a new edition of caring and feeding for feral cats. As I mentioned in the summer post not everyone likes feral or community cats. I get that but it’s a kindness you can do that won’t cost you much.

The care and feeding of Ferals Fall & Winter Edition Continue reading

TJ sitting on shed roof July 2022.Older stray Siamese.

The care and feeding of Ferals

Well, it’s summer and now that the weather is heating up I’d like to share a few tips on how to care for feral cats in your neighborhood. Granted I know not everyone likes ferals or community cats but they need care too.I also know this is a year-round activity depending on where you may live. But when temperatures soar

The care and feeding of Ferals Continue reading

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