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Social Media-Does it give you the right to overshare?

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:18 pm

Update: 5/18/2018 This topic has been on my mind lately so I thought I’d revisit it. I think we all have the freedom to share what we like but at times we should rethink how we share posts as well.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. Have a great Friday everyone.

I use social media like many people do these days I enjoy it for many reasons mainly because I am able to keep up with loved ones or find out about things that are happening in the world.

I know we all like to share what’s happening in our lives such as a child being given an award or something along those lines. However, I’ve noticed lately, that certain social sites such as Facebook have become bogged down with people sharing relationship issues with everyone on their friend’s list. (This may just be my experience recently)

I think we all know someone who uses social media to vent. We’ve all done it and that’s fine. The thing I’ve come across is people overshare. By oversharing I mean they post comments that should be viewed by certain people not all 150 people on your friend’s list.

For example, While I was scrolling through my feed one day I saw a posting from someone who shared that she was not going to do household chores because her significant other at the time let her down by not keeping a promise.

I’m sorry but seeing a posting like that is just silly. I can see you are upset at the person at that particular moment but do we all need to know that the poster is not going to do household chores. Personally, I thought it was childish. I also thought it reflected poorly on the poster at the time as well.

After I read the post I wondered what the poster was hoping to gain from sharing this info. To me, that would be something best kept between close friends and your own family. Best of all that could have been a text sent to someone and not shared for the whole world to see.

I’ve also come across posts of wife’s upset at their husbands. I get it your upset at the moment but sometimes taking a time out to think before you post is a helpful suggestion. Yes, I like everyone else have been guilty of oversharing but not everything needs to be shared with your entire social network list.

What are your thoughts on oversharing? I’d love to hear what you think.

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