SiliCONE Microwave Popcorn Popper

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:06 pm

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This is the first time I’ve used a product of this type and I loved it. I have an air pop popcorn maker and I honestly end up making more of a mess. so when I saw this via for review i figured i’d give it a try and apply. Well I was happy to hear I had been approved for the product. I tried it out today and found it very easy to use.Β 

when you take it out of the box yo see it’s collapsed and has instructions. The instructions are nice because it gives you the do’s and don’ts on the product along with a few recipes

The product is made entirely of food grade silicone and is pliable but well made. I washed it prior to it’s first use. I used a little over ¼ of a cup of popconr because I didn’t use a measuring cup when I was pouring the popcorn into the bowl. But it worked just fine.

Of course popping time will vary depending on the heat setting of your microwave. I set my microwave for a minute and 45 seconds. According to the direction you are suppose to set it to a minute and a half to two minutes.Β 

this was the end result all the pop corn popped evenly and didn’t burn. I did have a few unpopped kernels so I put them in the microwave for 30 seconds and that was that. All in all this product is great. I like how you can season or flavor the popcorn anyway you like so you can make various batches to fit you needs.Β 

For more info please visit this link:Β

Disclaimer: I was able to purchase this product at a discounted price fore leaving my honest opinion.

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