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Self-love: It’s not always easy

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:03 pm

The term Self-love can mean different things to everyone. Personally, I think self-love is being able to accept yourself flaws and all. You can see Wikipedia’s meaning of the term here.

Honestly, I think we all go through times in our lives where we don’t like ourselves. I’ve been there many times myself. Granted sometimes being unhappy or not liking ourselves can be caused by outside factors as well. Such as not being happy at your job or a living situation.

That being said it may be a long road for those of us who have trouble with loving ourselves. I know age has taught me a lot. So has chatting with friends over the years. This may not always ring true for everyone. Sometimes professional help is needed. Counseling or therapy may help find what some of the root causes are of this issue. For me I know at times depression plays a roll in this as well.

Once the cause is found at least there’s a place to start from. As I mentioned before age has taught me that it’s okay to be who I am. I’ve learned to accept myself flaws and all. At times I know for me I can get so caught up with the outside factors. By this I mean trying to compare myself to someone who has been able to achieve more at my age as opposed to me. Yes I know this doesn’t help but it still happens. I also have a feeling that social media is also causing us to be unhappy with ourselves too. We see those perfect pictures people post and think why can’t I have that? Again I’m very guilty of this.

No matter what I know that self-love is an ongoing process. I’m doing my best a little at a time. We all have flaws why not embrace them. None of us will ever be perfect. If we were that would be very boring if you ask me. We all have our own talents we can bring to the world.Why not accept ourselves for who we are. It beats being unhappy.

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