Petivity health kit

Petivity Microbiome Analysis Kit

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a few months ago i was selected to try a new product from Petivity. Furbuddies selected me to try a Petivity Microbiome Analysis Kit.

The product

This was my first time trying something from Petivity. I knew they had a smart litterbox because I’d seen the online ads. This was the first time I’d heard of the microbiome analysis kit.

The kit allows you to collect a sample of your pet’s poop and send it off for analysis. You will need to register the kit and that’s easy to do they offer a QR code to sign up.

I opted to use Linus for the test so once you create your Petivity account you can add a photo of your pet along with filling out a questionnaire.

Petiviity info card.
Petiviity info card.

What’s included in the kit

The kit includes everything you need it to collect your sample.

It includes the following:

  • plastic gloves
  • collection swab
  • collection tube with soulution
  • collection info on box
  • pre-paid return envolope
  • collection sample bio hazard bag

Collecting your sample

You will need to set up your account prior to collection your sample. As I mentioned you can use the QR code provided to do that.

The questionnaire is pretty simple it asks you basic info about your pet. Gender, pet type things of that nature. They also allow you to check off a list of items you’d like anaylized. Since this was the microbiome kit you can check off what you like. I did basic ones like food issues, nutrions health and overall gut health.

Collecting your sample may be a bit tricky if you have a mutlip-pet household like I do. If you have a single pet you will need to act quickly to get a fresh sample.

The box has a step by step list on how to properly collect a sample. You can follow the steps.

Petivity kit info.
easy step by step directions.

Basically what you need to do is collect a poop sample and stick the swab in it and twist it 10 times then you put it in the solution tube and break the swab. place the cap on the tube and shake it 10 times. After that you bag it and place it in your return mailing envelope.

The swab is steril so you need to tear it open. It has flaps to pull it open. The swab packet also has directions how to open it on the back.

The solution tube has an easy to remove top that allows you to break the swab off onceyou collect the sample.

How I collected the sample

I waited for Linus to use the litter box. grabbed a tissue or two. Then opened the litter box collected the sample and placed it on the tissues. I used the litter scoop to break the sample in half. The directions state to have a clean sample so no litter granuals or other contaminates.

I took off the gloves and left the tissue with the sample on it on the top of my litter genie. I opened the swab. I put one glove back on and set to work.

I found a clean spot and poked the swab in it swirled it around 10 times. I kept a count. I placed opened the solutions tube and placed the swab in it. I snapped off the swab and capped it. I shook it 10 times.

collection tube wit sample.
collection tube with sample.

I placed the sample in the bio hazard bag then sealed it in the pre-paid envelope. I disposed of my gloves and collected sample and tissues.

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The results

If I recall correctly the info card stated that it could take up to 6 weeks for the results to be send to you. I was sent an email and prompted me to sign into my account.

The results offered some good into. I wish they would have simplified some things though.

The site offers a color coded wheel of various digestive bacteria in your pets gut. When you hoover over a color block it gives you a name.

They also offered a scale and where Linus fell in terms of proper bacteria levels. It also offers actions to take info.

Petiviity report 3
Linus’s petivity report part 3

Purina also offers nutritional suggestions and product suggestions.

As a whole this was pretty helpful. The suggested subppement and food options were something to look into as well.

I did order the pre-biotic/probiotic meal topper for Linus and the other cats.

Is this product worth it?

I thought it was. For the fact that I was selected to try a free product I thought it was helpful. I liked that it was easy to use. The results were helpful in learning more about Linus’s health.

Sadly not long after we tested this Linus went missing. He’s been missing 3 months now. Eventhough this is the cause I know I can use his info for his brothers Smokey and Bear to help their gut health.

How much is the kit?

This basic kit retails for $99 USD. Petivity has a more in-depth kit that retails for $149. The kits can be used for dogs or cats.

You can share the info you receive from these kits with your vet as well.

You can visit the petivity product page to learn more about the kits.

Thanks to Furbuddies for this product testing opportunity and the free product.

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