5 stars with hand sliding across screen

Not all Amazon Sellers Abide by the rules Part 2

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So i shared about this topic earlier this month. You can see the original post by visiting the link provided. I can say this much social media never ceases to amaze me.

Like with most sellers that contact me via social media I didn’t give them much thought following our final conversation. Well, this seller didn’t let up. They contacted me again yesterday 4/27/2020. I had thought that was odd because they were trying to strike up a chat. I didn’t have time so I stated so.

The Plot thickens

Well today 4/28/2020 the plot for this thickened. I had a video chat request around 8:15 this morning. I didn’t know what it was i thought it was a social media notice or a text. Before I get ahead of myself I’m going to share the profile with you.

Instagram account svannah.ivy_amazon profile
Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon profile image is false account profile user is male.

So this person reached out to me this morning via a video chat. I don’t video chat via social platforms because I don’t have a need to. I also don’t video chat with strangers. When i saw the video chat screen request i turned my phone. Well not two seconds before I disconnected the chat I heard a screen capture sound. I asked “Savannah” if they had screenshot the video call and they stated no. I think they were trying to capture my image for later use. At one point they used the term Baby. that’s usually a red flag for me that they will want to have a longer conversation and try to flatter me.

Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon video chat screen capture question
Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon video chat screen capture question

Another new development

This lead to a longer back and forth with “Savannah”. I muted Instagram’s video chat feature just to stop further calls. This didn’t sit well with “Savannah” Lo and behold not to my surprise “Savannah” turns out to be this guy.

Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon chat 4/28/2020
Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon chat 4/28/2020 the profile owner shares photo claiming to be him

You have to love when people share photos that model style photos so they hope you’ll befriend them. I kept telling them I wasn’t going to video chat.

They also shared a another photo of themselves as well.

Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon chat 4/28/2020 the profile owner shares photo claiming to be him 2
Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon chat 4/28/2020 the profile owner shares photo claiming to be him 2

The person did fess up that the profile image is one of their friends and is used with permission. They also told me they are an agent which basically they are someone who recruits for Amazon brands and earns money on the side. They added that their accounts kept being closed (gee I wonder why). They also claimed that having a female profile picture gave them better sales or cooperation with reviewers.

I stated that I wasn’t looking for a date which is true. They even tried to flatter themselves saying They also tried to hurt my feelings by calling me old. They also asked a few very strange questions that weren’t any of their business.

When what’s App is mentioned

So from this very long winded and quite pointless chatter this person pointed out that they wanted to have improve their English conversation skill. They then proceed to share their What’s App number. They hoped I would contact them for a video chat.

Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon chat 4/28/2020 the profile owner shares What's App number
Instagram account savannah.ivy_amazon chat 4/28/2020 the profile owner shares What’s App number asking to chat

Every time I see What’s App requests I think something else is going on. I don’t get why this person was so hell bent on becoming friends. Even when I left the chat they kept contacting me.

You’d think they’d take no for an answer

They keep at it too. Yes I know part of this is my own doing because I replied back to the original message but boy does this person not take No for an answer.

In the end…

In the end, I have now put up with this person for most of the day. They have now opted to change their profile name and image to reflect their honesty. Yet they are still trying to pitch me their recruiting speech.

You have to love social media.

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