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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 03:15 pm
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// Hey, friends, I just had someone try a fishing attempt on my blog.  If it wasn’t a bot and instead a real person: back up, creep.
That being said, apparently this is a thing that has happened before to other people, and I’m grateful for my suspicion.  If you get a youtube video (one by C.rosa R.osa in my case – apparently a favorite for this) randomly sent in as a submission, and you see some name with a sketchy h.otmail email address linked to it, DO NOT CLICK ON THE EMAIL ADDRESS.  The video is just a link to y.outube, yes, but the email link is not.  It is a fishing attempt and will lead you to a blank page.  Fortunately I looked this up before I did anything, so joke’s on you asshole.
This is so incredibly random, and I’ve never had this happen before, but it weirded me tf out enough to make a post about it.
Anyway, again, for that person who submitted that – get the hell off of my blog and off of tumblr.  Ridiculous.
Hey heads up, this is what it looks like:
I don’t usually click on the e-mail anyway, but thank God for this post. I’m blocking and deleting this submission.
Watch out, guys !Got this last night. Started watching the video but didn’t click on the email link.
I have received several days ago that one on my side blog…and deleted it …Watch out :o(Â
Heads up fellow Tumblr users.