all nature's bounty jelly bean vitamins. Adult and kids multi and adult and kids immune jellybeans containers.

Nature’s Bounty JellyBeans a new way to take your vitamins

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:50 am

Please note that this product is not stated to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or ailment. Also always consult your doctor prior to starting any new supplements.

Ripple Street selected me to try Natur’s Bounty Jellybeans vitamins not long ago. They sent me a box filled with a variety of jellybean products.

I was sent 1 adult multi jellybeans, 3 adult immune jellybeans as well as 3 kids multi jellybeans and 3 kids immune jellybeans.

The products

All the jellybean vitamins are in two flavors citrus (orange) for the immune products. The adult multi jellybeans are strawberry lemon aid flavor. Basically, it’s strawberry and lemon flavor. The kid’s multi jellybeans are raspberry orange flavor.

you can take 3 adult multi Jellybeans preferably with a meal. You can take 4 immune jellybeans with a meal. For the kid’s multi and immune, you can take 2 with a meal.

The jellybeans are a decent size so you will need to chew them well before swallowing them.

The Jellybeans are sold in containers of 80 and 120 counts.

Ingredients (source nature’s bounty product pages)

adult muli jellybeans (source nature’s bounty product page)

adult multi ingredients screenshot.
adult multi ingredients screenshot.

adult immune jellybeans (source nature’s bounty product page)

adult immune ingredients screenshot.
adult immune ingredients screenshot.

kid’s multi jellybeans (source nature’s bounty product page)

kid's multi jellybeans ingredients info screenshot.
kid’s multi jellybeans ingredients info screenshot.

kid’s immune jellybeans (source nature’s bounty product page)

kid's immune ingredients info.
kid’s immune ingredients info.

User experience

v holding various nature's bounty jellybean products. adult and kids multivitamins and immune vitamins.
v holding various nature’s bounty jellybean products. adult and kids multivitamins and immune vitamins.

For me, I tried the adult multi and immune jellybeans. I opened the kids’ multi bottle today. I liked that the jellybeans had some texture. They weren’t too chewy or too hard. They did break up well when you chewed them.

I didn’t feel they had a bitter or artificial aftertaste. They were easy to swallow once I chewed them as well.

The flavor combinations are different. The strawberry lemonade is good but the lemon flavor can be a bit tart.

The orange flavor is good and very even. It’s not too harsh.

My dad loved the adult multi jellybeans.

I can’t say I felt better taking them because as with any new product it may take time to see results.

What I can say is that I liked that I didn’t have any adverse reactions to them or any digestive upset.

The Jellybeans didn’t stick to my teeth or stick together in the container.

final thoughts

v holding various nature's bounty jellybean products. adult and kids multivitamins and immune vitamins.
v holding various nature’s bounty jellybean products. adult and kids multivitamins and immune vitamins.

Nature’s Bounty Jellybeans products are a new twist on the traditional vitamin. I liked them better than gummy vitamins or even vitamin chews.

Nature’s Bounty has an entire line of Jellybeans products.

I was able to find Nature’s Bounty Jellybeans at various retailers. Amazon sells them. The 80 counts round around $20 USD and the 120 Count runs around $14 USD (price will vary by retailer.)

Please note prices are subject to change so visit the product links or click on the images for current pricing.

Kid’s immune (also linked to kid’s multi) 120 count

To find adult multi and immune products near you visit the product pages or the links below.

Thanks to Ripple Street and Nature’s Bounty for these complementary products and testing opportunities.

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