Mercury + Mars

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:55 pm



Sagittarius Mercury+ Aries Mars: Extroverted given mind to other planets, short-tempered, easily moves on, rushes ahead, is a flaming sword.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Taurus Mars: Stubborn and short-fused! A tough combo, lively and reliable in approach, and has an adventurous mentality.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Gemini Mars: Doesn’t care what you think, they will tell you what’s on their mind. Pushy yet easygoing. Smart and quick.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Cancer Mars: Open-minded yet still chained by emotional biases, friendly but easily annoyed, corrects others *gently*.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Leo Mars: Generous and cheerful energy but easily gets disappointed or frustrated.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Virgo Mars: A very critical and blunt person but also on a mission for truth and giving in these areas of life.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Libra Mars: Blunt vs. tact internal conflict, peaceful energies are fed into hopeful, positive communication.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Scorpio Mars: Intensity expressed in scattered burst, deals with other’s problems so they don’t have to deal with theirs.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Sagittarius Mars: A wildcard, competitive energy + some arrogance in their short-temper, but ultimately is warm, honest, and carefree in communication. 

Sagittarius Mercury+ Capricorn Mars: Serious ideas are expressed in a more relaxed way, tries to not let the small stuff get to them.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Aquarius Mars: First to start a protest or rebellion, wants a cause to fight for, open-minded and unusual in areas of intimacy, conflict, communication, and decisions.

Sagittarius Mercury+ Pisces Mars: Soft energy feeding into a wild and zealous mental activity. Fights get messy, communication is surprising.

Depending on what Houses these planets are in could make a big difference, keep that in mind.


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