Life with Pal birthday banner. It's our birthday with life with pal logo sourrounded by balloons and confetti. created using canva.

It’s our first birthday

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:50 am

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How does time fly. Life with Pal is a year old today. We’ve come a long way from being a free blog on Tumblr. We’ve had a name change and even have a shop.

2021 was busy

It seems like it was only yesterday that I was trying to get everything together to launch our site.

I had originally wanted to launch earlier in 2021 to coincide with Pal’s birthday in May but I had a few setbacks.

I shouldn’t call them setbacks I should call them kittens.

Sam, Dylan and Teddy the day they arrived 5 1 20021.
Sam, Dylan and Teddy the day they arrived 5 1 20021.

Oddly enough they arrived on what would have been Pal’s 20th birthday. So that delayed my original plans.

Overall I think the setbacks did me good. I was able to format the site the way I wanted and add a shop.

We’ve come a long way from being a tumble blog. It was hard to let Reviews and Savings Pal go. I felt that having a more inviting site name would attract more visitors. Besides I did have a life with Pal for almost 18 years.

pal on grass gray and white cat on grass
pal on grass gray and white cat on grass

on a personal note

For me, 2021 was busy, yes but I also learned a lot about myself. I was able to move forward with my plans to launch the new blog.

I was at a turning point as well. I committed to my decision and keep at it. I had been doing this in the past but I had a lot of self-doubts.

Thanks to the fact that I was putting myself and my mental health first. My therapist reassured me that I was on the right path and encouraged me to keep at it.

I’m glad I finally put myself first in 2019 which inturned continued into the years to come.

I was able to get myself in the right mindset to know that I had a purpose and to share my ideas with the world. I do still have self-doubt but I find ways to talk myself out of it.

2021 brought a lot of changes from kittens to not stressing about things I can’t control.

thanks, everyone

I wanted to thank everyone who takes the time to stop by and visit us. As the tag line reads Pal thanks you for stopping by.

Without your support, we wouldn’t be here.

I know there are times I may not post consistently or may post similar topics or posts but it’s a work in progress.

Thanks to everyone who has purchased from an affiliate link or used a coupon code I’ve shared.

If you’ve joined our email list you are awesome.

A huge thank you to all the brands who have reached out to me, worked with me, and provided me with complimentary products. I appreciate you taking a chance on me and my content creation.

Hopefully, we can keep growing in the coming years.

V and Pal

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