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It’s nice when brands comment on content

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I think it’s always nice when brands take the time to comment on the content you create. It doesn’t matter if it’s a photo or an affiliate post.

For me, it can be something as simple as “Thanks for sharing.” Is enough.

It’s nice to be noticed

As content creators, we work so hard to gain engagement with others. It’s always nice to be noticed by a brand you’re sharing about.

Even a simple “Thanks for posting” or once again “Thanks for sharing” is a confidence boost.

This is also nice on the brand’s behalf because it shows they are checking out posts when they are tagged or mentioned.

It shows our work is being seen

As content creators at times, we may feel defeated or unseen. Especially if you are a smaller creator and struggle with engagement.

Having a brand comment on your posts is once again a boost to your engagement. It also shows that the brand is acknowledging your work.

It can lead to bigger things

Some people may be contacted by a brand or possibly gifted something if the brand likes what they see. This may not be the case for everyone but some creators have been surprised.

It shows brands care

This is a big thing for me because it shows that brands care about what is being posted about them. This can be good or bad which may lead to a deeper conversation.

Brands that comment and react to content show that they want to engage with content creators and users.

Do you get excited when brands comment on your content?

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