I will never undestand (sorry if it rambles)

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:02 pm

I will never understand people (I think we all know a few)  who have to tell you all about every new tech gadget or goodie they buy. I always wonder if it is their attempt to be acknowledged for having everything under the sun or if they just like to brag. I am also puzzled when in the same sentence they state that they have trouble making end meet.

At that statement  I just think “okay if you really weigh your wants versus needs you can solve that problem."It may just be no that I’ve gotten older or maybe because I wound up in a lot of debt that I think this is an odd way of thinking. I had help from my parents to help me with my debt but still I will owe them for the rest of my life pretty much. With that in mind now I have learned to live on a budget somewhat and try my best to only buy what I need and leave the wants for when I have extra cash or a gift card. I think if we all tried to live with in our means things would be better for everyone.

In the end all I can say is that if you really need to tell people about everything you have from me you will hear this response, "Good for you.”

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