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I had an interesting email that’s worth sharing

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 10:58 am

I was checking my email through my hosting provider recently and came across this rather interesting email. I think it’s along the lines of a charity scam but I can’t be fully certain.

the email

The sender

The email was sent from the Government of South Sudan the email was to be returned to the following address:

This caught my eye immediately. I hadn’t seen this possible scam yet. Don’t get me started on why I’d be contacted by the Sudan government because I live in the United States.

The email

The email itself was pretty long but from what I understood the South Sudan government had money to allocate different things like computers, cars, and other items. For what purpose I don’t know.

Government of South Sudan
South Sudan Development Commission
(Bureau on Procurements)

Attn: The Managing Director/CEO


Dear Sir/Madam,

The South Sudan Development Commission (SSDC) is a program designed by the Government of South Sudan under the Presidential Directive with the mandate to handle all the rebuilding, rehabilitation and developmental plans of the Government to ensure optimum government productivity.
Based on this, the Government of South Sudan through SSDC has budgeted funds for procurement of COMPUTERS/ ACCESSORIES/ OFFICE EQUIPMENTS, CONSTRUCTION/ AGRICULTURAL/ ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS AND VEHICLES/TRUCKS for the program.
Interested Companies, Individuals or Groups capable of providing any of the item(s) mentioned above in a large quantity should not hesitate to contact us immediately stating clearly what item(s) to provide for more detailed information. If you also know any person or company that can supply the items required, do also invite the person. Funds are ready for the contract. All Application should be addressed to the Chairman quoting Ref No: SSREP/P/1/23 to:

South Sudan Development Commission
Bureau on Procurements
Juba, South Sudan

We thank you for your attention.

Akol Aleng

For the Chairman,
South Sudan Development Commission
Bureau on Procurements
Government of South Sudan

copy of email text

As you can see it looks like it might be very convincing to someone if it landed in a business’s inbox.

What kind of scam is this?

If I had to guess I’d say it’s a charity scam. Or maybe they are phishing for business info. Being that they are procuring various products maybe they are also trying to obtain images for product scams.

It could be a variety of scams rolled into one.

I could see the email would seem legit to a business by the way it’s written and all the info included in it such as the reply to featuring the reference number.

who would this scam affect?

This scam would or could affect various businesses. I don’t know how they obtained my email address but it would have been via social media.

If they are sending out emails at random to a blog I assume they will also contact other businesses.

I thought this was worth sharing because it’s a bit different from a typical possible scam email.

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