hpusn soft box light kit lighting a clay pot

HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit: under $100 softbox lighting kit

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:56 pm

I shared a post via Instagram a while back sharing about a product I’d won. Well, I thought I’d give you all a more thorough review of the HPUSUN softbox lighting kit.

What the kit includes

Like many softbox light kits this one includes everything you need in one easy to store carrying bag.

It includes 2 of the following:

  • stands
  • lights bulbs
  • softbox lights
  • diffuser cloths

The lights are collapsable and also include a storage bag for each one. The light bulbs are packed in styrofoam.

HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit light bulb and example of 2nd bulb packaging
HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit light bulb and example of 2nd bulb packaging

The diffuser cloths are a nice size and slide over the lights. They also have hook and loop tape on all 4 sides.

The inside of the lights have a reflective surface. To open the softbox light you need to press down on a circular base. You can align it with the light socket base to fully open the light. the lights measure 50cm by 70 cm or 19.68 inches by 27.55 inches.

The lights have a simple switch to turn them on and off.

HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit power cord
HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit power cord

The stand has 3 legs and is easy to set up. It also has a tension or stability knob on one of the legs. It has two adjustment knobs to extend the height of the stand twice. on the first knob, you can raise it to 48 inches without the light attached. When you raise the second portion of the stand it can reach up to 69 inches without the light attached.

Setting it all up

Attaching the light and the stand is easy. You just loosen the knob and slide the light onto the stand. You can tighten the knob and adjust the tilt knob to fit your needs. The light can tilt up to 210 degrees. Adding the diffuser cloth is very simple. You can use the hook and loop anchors on the side of the lights and the diffuser cloth. Or you can slide it over the light. Personally i found sliding it over the light to be easier.

Testing the lighting out

I tested the lights out on a few products I pulled out that I have laying around my studio. I found that the photos tuned out fairly well.

I will say this may vary by your camera type (i was using my older miodel point and shoot camera) It may also depend on what additional lighting you may have as well. What I mean by this is if you are shooting near a window or if you have any extra lights on. My studio doesn’t have electricity so i had some general sunlight.

I light a clay pot I had along with some skincare containers and some glitter. I also lit myself with and without my glasses on.

Final thoughts

Overall I was very happy to have won this prize. These soft box lights are a bit smaller then another set I own. That being said they seem to be pretty sturdy and are easy to assemble and collapse.

However, I do have at least two suggestions. If you are going to use the lights together you may want to add some sort of weight to the stand because they are a bit easy to tip over. You may also want to make sure you have the cords out of the way as well. I would also like to add if you are going to use the lights for an extended period of time you will want to let them cool down before storing them.

Besides that I thought this was a great set for under $100. Currently depending on the time of day they range from $89 to around $90 USD on Amazon. You can’t beat that price. The carrying bag seems to be pretty sturdy as well.

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