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Holler and Glow shake your coconuts mask info

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:06 pm

I was able to request a free product from Holler and Glow. Thanks to Try it sampling for this testing and reviewing opportunity.

The shake your coconuts boob mask is stated to help nourish and hydrate your boobs. It contains vitamin E, coconut oil, hyaluronic acid as well as other ingridents.

according to the package you can wear it from 20 to30 minutes. We’ll see how this works.

After doing some searching I found that the Holler and Glow mask isn’t sold in the US. It may be soon but I did find it from a UK site. According to Superdrug’s website, the mask retails for Β£4.00.

Holler and Glow also lists it on their Instagram feed via the same website.

However I did find that they have some products at Target.

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