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Have you tried Elementor?

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 11:49 am

header image provided by Elementor’s affilate program.

I decided to try a page builder when I opted to rebrand our website. Since I had heard good things about Elementor I figured I’d give it a try.

What is elementor?

Elementor is a website page builder. It allows you to design your site without having to code it yourself. it offers drag and drop settings.

So basically that means you can select certain features and drag them over to the page.

It allows you to create a page you want.

Here’s an example of what I mean by drag and drop interface.

example of Elemtor drag and drop interface.
example of Elemtor drag and drop interface.

Elementor also has some templates(more about that later) or can be used in combination with your theme of choice. I’m currently using Astra pro with Elementor pro for our site.

Differences between Free and Pro versions

Overall the free version of Elementor has a lot of features such as templates, the ability to add Google maps to your site, and other general features any site may need.

The Pro version however offers a bit more such as the ability to create form, nav menu, header and footers, and even popups. They also offer pro temples as well for selection pages, popups, posts, and even 404 notices.

You can check out this post that offers a full list of what’s offered for both versions.

Personally, I opted to pay for the pro version because it included a few features I wanted such as headers and footers, and forms.

Is Elementor hard to learn?

I will admit there may be a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of the layout and design features you’ll be okay.

I also like that they offer a lot of great posts and video tutorials on how to create certain layouts or features.

Why do I like Elementor

For me, it fit my needs. I was able to create the website I wanted. I was also able to customize the design by adding aspects I felt fit my site’s design.

One example is the paws I have in the buttons and spacers.

I also liked that I could create forms like the ones I have on our contact pal page.

I liked the user interface too.

Elementor is going beyond

In the past few months Elementor recently accounted it was going to start having website hosting and

They also offer other features such as easy integration with WordPress or Woocommerce if you use either of these features.

They also have a Beta version of Elementor Experts that might help you build your site as well.

final thoughts

Not everyone is up to the task of building a website but a page builder like Elementor is pretty helpful. If you opt for the pro version the current price is around $50 USD (yearly) for a single website.

Elementor also offers Expert and Agency Pro plans. These prices are a bit higher but you have a larger website usage.

You can check out their current pricing here. You can also see the pricing for website hosting with Elementor pro there too.

Overall I can’t complain Elementor has fit my site needs nicely.

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