green and blue glass stones in glassware. mason jar, cups and a glass dish.

Have extra fabric? create a DIY background

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:30 pm

I don’t know about you but I tend to have stuff that I buy and don’t use. I picked up a few rolls of various fabrics at my local Habitat for Humanity Restore a while back. I had planned to use them for a sewing project. Well that never happened. So like with most things the rolls were stored out of the way.

Well I recently needed to take some photos for a product review and I figured I’d create a background for my photos. You can use anything you have from a old blanket, sheet or even a curtain. This is up to you. I just happened to have the rolls of fabric.

The best part is the background doesn’t have to cost you a penny if you have things at home. I’ll still add a few product suggestions incase anyone needs them.

more background tips

what you’ll need

  • Fabric (any kind will do) a curtain, old sheet, blanket, comforter, etc.
  • clamps or clothespins
  • a board, door, panel, or rod
    *you can also use your cloth for flat lay photos as well. You’d just place it on a table or flat surface.

As I mentioned you can use what you have on hand. I happened to find a screen door that was the perfect size for my product.

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How to create your background

flat lay photos

If you are going to use the fabric for a flat lay photo you can place it on your surface and adjust it as you see fit.

kathy kaye foods popcorn balls packs in front of an owel bucket. A few inside the owl bucket. Happy Halloween sign off to the right.
Kathy Kaye foods popcorn balls packs in front of an owl bucket. A few inside the owl bucket. Happy Halloween sign off to the right.

You may want to raise the fabric higher than your objects in the photo to create a more even background. This may also vary by product size as well. Or the angle you take the photo at.

glassware for intention jars. small skincare jars , cups or candel holders, glass dish.
glassware for intention jars. small skincare jars, cups or candle holders, glass dish.

Standing or larger object background

So for my DIY background, I chose a larger roll of fabric that would offer the right amount of background space for the object I was going to photograph.

multicolored fabric rolled up.
multicolored fabric rolled up.

I had some clamps I purchased at the dollar tree a few weeks back.

pair of clamps.
pair of clamps

I also found a screen door that would be perfect to hold my fabric.

screen door.
screen door.
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assembling your DIY background

I took the fabric and I wrapped it around the side of the screen door and use the clamps to secure it.

back of screen with fabric attached to it.
back of the screen with fabric attached to it.

You can adjust the fabric to fit your needs and the wide and length of the object you are photographing.

I leaned the door against the storage cabinet to give it stability.

multicolored fabric clipped to screen door.
multicolored fabric clipped to the screen door.

the final photo

I took some photos of a few saw horses I had been sent from Stanley tools. Here is how one of the photos turned out.

Stanley adustable sawhorse infront of DIY background.
Stanley adjustable sawhorse in front of the DIY background.

All in all it fit my needs and it made for a much cleaner looking photo.

I like this because it was quick and easy. I worked with what I had on hand. You don’t have to break the bank to create a background. You can’t beat free.

Would or have you create your on DIY background? if so share your tips in the comments below.

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