GM post: the signs trying to wake up ?

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aries: *checks phone* *gets mad when they didn’t receive a good morning text*
taurus: *hits snooze* *makes scary moaning noise* *sinks further into warm bed*
gemini: *stays in bed scrolling through social media an hour before they have to be up*
cancer: “fuck work, fuck school” “I hate my life” “maybe no one will notice if I just lay here all day”
leo: *removes sleep mask* “when did the sun come out?????”
virgo: *yawns, stretches* immediately out of bed to make coffee
libra: *tries to wake them up* “one more minute”… *30 minutes later* “FUCK I’M GONNA BE LATE*
scorpio: *sleeps right through alarm*
sagittarius: *mumbles things that don’t make sense* *peeks through eye lid at clock* “well I guess I should get up now”
aquarius: *fondles around for random drink laying around in dark room* *sees light peeking through window* *puts blanket over head*
pisces: *cute yawn* *sits up to listen to birds chirping* *smiles until they realize that they don’t smell coffee* *immediately irritated*

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