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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 12:56 pm
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I was recently recently contacted by a rep from FlexOFist and asked if I would like to review their hand strengthening rings at a discounted price.. I said sure. I knew that I didn’t use them my mom could. They are marketed to help with repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel or just to help your hands in general. Being that we are all typist these days we may have one or more of these issues.
The rings are color coded by weight resistance. Green equals to a 30 lbs, Blue equals 40 lbs and Orange equals 50 lbs.
I used the green ring a few minutes ago and did a few hand crushes. Where you squeeze the ring in your hand a few times and i feel it in my forearm. It’s not uncomfortable but you do feel the muscle working.
The rings fit in the palm of your hand and are comfortable to hold the rings are made out of silicone so they don’t slip in your hand. They conform to it actually. thanks to the size of the rings you can store them easily in a desk drawer. These would be great to have at the office or in your home office. I was very happy with the product and know I will get a lot of use out of them.
You can visit the links below for more information. FlexOFist also offers a downloadable exercise booklet from their website that can be used with the strengthening rings.