Final wreath

DIY: Easter Wreath

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Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 01:02 pm

I was in the mood to do a craft today so I figured I’d try something that i usually don’t do. I took it upon myself to make an Easter Wreath.

What you’ll need

You can use any items you’d like but I chose the following:

  • a premade wreath (any kind will do) I happened to use a grapevine wreath
  • Plastic eggs of any size
  • glue gun
  • glitter or paints
  • ribbon
  • Mod Podge
  • stencils (Peel and stick ones work great for this project)
  • brushes: small paint brush and a foam brush
  • disposable bowl or tray
  • scissors
  • something to cover your work surface. I used a trash bag
  • paper towels or a rag

Other items you may want to use are a plastic spoon for mixing your glitter and a piece of cardboard to try out your glue gun on.

If you opt to use the glue gun make use you use a heat safe pad or heat safe gloves.

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Adding the Ribbon

I started with the plain grapevine wreath. Then I added the ribbon. I wrapped it around the wreath to see how I wanted it. Once I liked the way it looked I trimmed the ribbon and glued the ends to the wreath.

  • Grape wreath
  • ribbon and wreath
  • ribbon glued to wreath

Lettering the Eggs

I opted to try this idea. I will admit it worked well up until my last two letters for the end of Easter. But it was still worth a try. I mixed some glitter into a bowl and added a small amount of Mod Podge into another bowl. I stuck the letters to the eggs. I used the smaller sized eggs to spell out Happy Easter.

I brushed the letters with Mod Podge before pressing them into the glitter mixture. I waited a few seconds to a minute for the mixture to set. Again, for the most part, this worked. You can wash the stencils with soap and water along with using a soft brush to get rid of any glitter or Mod Podge when your done.

  • glitter
  • glitter
  • Mod podge
  • Stencils on eggs
  • glitter on stencil
  • Lettered Eggs

Adding Eggs to the wreath

Once I was done lettering the eggs I laid the wreath down again and set to work trying to organize the letters the way I liked. Since the grapevine wreath isn’t smooth i had to find the best spots to place the eggs. I also wanted them to be in between the ribbon I had added earlier. I will say that this is the time to have extra eggs handy just in case one melts or breaks.

Once I found the places I wanted to eggs to be I set to work gluing them to the wreath. This was bit of a trial and error and again be careful not to burn yourself. (I learned the hard way. ) In the end I think the best way to glue the eggs into position is to add the glue to the egg and place it on the wreath.

When I was done I felt the wreath was a bit empty so I added a few eggs I had left over. I will say that if you feel the eggs aren’t quite secure you can always go back and add a bit more glue once they settle.

The Finished project

As mentioned above I added a few extra eggs. I had a small orange egg left over so I thought that could be a focal point for the center. I grabbed some curling ribbon I had and tied it to the wreath. I added another green ribbon and curled it so it looks a bit like a carrot. The other eggs I added with purple curling ribbon.

To add the ribbon most of the plastic eggs now have holes in them so i just opened them and ran the ribbon throw the holes and snapped the eggs closed again. I curled any excess ribbon to give it a cleaner look.

  • Final wreath
  • Finsihed wreath
  • Esample of wreath haning

I hope you liked this project. Have you made any crafts lately? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments.

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