paints in various shades of red, pink and peach. along with Flood floetrol bottle.

craft project snags

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Sometes when you try craft projects you hit some snags or maybe the project doesn’t turn out as you’d hoped it would.

I’ve had a few of these in the past.

Gelli plate t-shirt update

I recently posted about the Gelli Plate t-shirt print I tried. Well in theory the design turned out okay.

When I wore the shirt the design cracked.

Personally I liked the cracked design it’s more rustic and of course homemade looking.

But I think i figured out what the issue was. I needed to mix more fabric transfer medium into the paint fully before applying it to the stencil.

I may try a different paint as well because I don’t know if the heavy body paint may have played a factor in the cracking. I may have heat set the shirt too soon as well. All I can do is try again and see what happens.

I think I’ll reprint a new heart over the cracked one just to see what it looks like. I can’t make it any worse right.

All projects are trial and error

I think no matter how well your project idea is laid out you may encounter a trial and error process. That’s the point of learning. I know at times it can be fustration and you feel like you are wasting art supplies yet at times you may be surprised at what you end up with.

Here’s an example of a paint poured canvas I made a few years back that looked pretty good.

paint poured canvases. metallics artist's loft paints. blue metallic decoart paint.
paint poured canvases. metallics artist’s loft paints. blue metallic deco art paint.

Don’t be hard on yourself

I know we feel that no matter how hard we try our projects just turn out wrong or in some cases ugly. I have a whole bin of ugly art work in my studio. I think it’s ugly because it didn’t turn out a bright as I’d liked or the colors were a mess and resutled in a muddy color.

Here’s an example of a paint poured canvas from a few years ago.

Paint poured canvas using Liquitex gloss medium.
Paint poured canvas using Liquitex gloss medium.

Even so you took the time to test your idea and try something different. You also were able to hone your craft idea.

Your learning something new

The best part of trying a craft project is that your trying something new. Your open to learning new skills that are allowing you to be creative.

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