social media

laptop, smartphone, tablet, gifts AI image.

The secret Santa scam is back again

It appears the Secret Santa scam is back this year. This scam has been going around social media for a few years now. It seems to target Facebook groups from what I’ve read. But it can target any social media platform. The Scam According to the Better Business Bureau, the scam can be simple. Someone can reach out to you […]

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Instagram verification scam banner. white instagram verification scam text abovoe a instagram icon and a blue badge with a white checkmark inside it. on a orange and pink background.

Please don’t pay for Instagram verification

I’ve shared about this a few times in the past but I never get tired of repeating this. All social media verification is free. At least from what I’ve read. You don’t need to pay hundreds or in some cases thousands of dollars to have your social media verified. Now that I’ve got that out of the way let’s get

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Payment options credit cards, coins and a wallet with cash. Illustration/vector image source Pixabaydotcom

Please don’t send your Paypal, CashAPP, etc. info to strangers

All links shared in this post were found via an online search. Okay, this should be common sense but please don’t send your Paypal, Cashapp, or other peer-to-peer payment info to strangers. Yes, I know there are valid social media giveaways via Twitter where people have been gifted cash from celebrities to select peer-to-peer payment options. I know Cashapp had

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Scam email alert banner. Red Scam Email Alert text overlaid on a blue envelop icon.

A new email scam featuring Youtube

For the last two days, I’ve been sent two very odd and rather suspicious emails. They are direct and sent from a generic or auto-generated email address from an email marketing service. Being that the content was a bit suspicious I thought I’d share it with all you readers.

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Venmo scam banner. blue background, white V overlaid by a red SCAM text.

There’s a new Venmo scam

I recently saw a news report stating that there is a new Venmo scam making the rounds via social media. Currently, it seems to be targeting Instagram users. As we know social media users are not strangers to being targets for scams. The most common scams are that you’ve won a prize from a giveaway or brand.

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Facebook scam header. header created using photoshop cs4.

FaceBook Scam pages are back again vlog

Note: the Facebook page I share in the video has been removed. thumbnail image source intro: 0:00 What to look for 0:43 More tips/Final thoughts: 2:00 I just thought I’d bring this topic back up again. I had a freebie page send me a friend request. This raised a red flag since I know most freebie or large brand

FaceBook Scam pages are back again vlog Continue reading

Facebook scam header. header created using photoshop cs4.

Watch out for Facebook scam pages

As we all know scams are everywhere but lately it seems social media has seen an up tick in them. I’ve shared about this topic in the past and I have a feeling it will on going. I’ve come across a few fake accounts and know they are fakes. But when some people take it upon themselves to con others

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